Sunday, December 7, 2008

Read Me!

Have you ever heard of Well i recently discovered it, and i found some of the fuuuniest shirts. Many references some funny funny things. So i think i'll just try to post pictures of the ones that i find the funniest.

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P.S. My birthday is in two weeks from today, and Christmas is in two weeks from 4 days from now (whatever that is). And i usually wear a small or a medium... just thought i'd point that out...

7 people find me hilarious:

Sarah said...

Those are TRULY awesome! I have to say, my favorites are The Office ones. :)

Bryce 'n Dena said...

Are you aware that the "so long and thanks for all the fish" one is a reference to the book I was reading out there? It's also the name of one of the sequel books.

And what's updog?

Jennifer said...

Haha yeah i am actually watching "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" right now, because it put me in the mood for it. One of my favorite favorites is the one about Pluto.

Bryce 'n Dena said...

Yeah, after I typed that I realized that we even talked about the movie while I was there. Duh.

But seriously, what's updog?

Jennifer said...

Oh nothin much. What's up with you?


Bryce 'n Dena said...


oh crap, I think I messed it up.

Anonymous said...

You are going to think I'm the biggest idiot in the world when you hear thiss...but guess what i freakin' did? when i first found our you had a blog, it was the "i look like a minnie driver" post, and i copied THAT to my blog buds thing. So every time i click on your name from my blog, i go to- "i look like a minnie driver" and i'm like, what the freak?! how come she's not postin?!? haha wow....i must be a smart i just spent about an hour reading all of your posts that i missed! hahahaha i should try and be smarter maybe.