Monday, January 24, 2011

Rainy days and Mondays...

Trick! This totally is not a sad post. Shoot, it's not even raining. It's just kind of windy. That title mainly seemed appropriate because of the word "Monday." Ah well.

Anyways, the real point of this post is to tell you exactly why this day has been one of the most genuinely spectacular ones I've had in some time. Granted, last weekend in Fillmore was AWESOME, and I got to see The Maine in concert (again) this last Saturday, which was also awesome. But today was one of those days that would normally seem like a regular day for the lack of great events, but no... today was something special.

It started out a little odd. I didn't sleep very well last night, so I was woken up at 5:30 by my suitemates talking pretty loud. It's okay though, because my alarm was set for 6 so that I could go work out before my first class at 9. Yes, I know some of you read that line again, while others may have actually puked a little... but I actually really enjoy working out before classes. It's a really great way to start my day, and there are about 45,000 less people in the gym at 6:30 am then there are in the afternoon. (If you go between 2-7 ish, you have to actually wait in line to get on a treadmill. It's awful.) My solution is to either go in the morning or late at night, around 9:30. Since I generally have things going on at night, I choose to go before classes. Plus, then I have the mentality of "Man! This is going to be a productive day! I mean, it's not even light out and I'm already doing something worthwhile!" I really do love it. And I highly recommend it. (:

Moving on. I got my hair done on Saturday, and today was the first chance I had to leave it down so you could actually see the new coloring in it. (In case you're curious... the bottom part is dyed kind of a darker brown, while I have lowlights fading into the layers up to the top. I know it sounds really gaudy, but it's more subtle than it sounds.) So that was nice. (: Also, my classes were just fun today. I got my math homework done in class, I learned lots of interesting things about sleep in Psychology (and I got an assignment to dream... that's literally what she said), I kicked a quiz's butt in communication, and I made a new friend in Film. Overall, not a bad academic day.

After my classes got over, I checked my mail and discovered that not only did I have a letter from Elder Sly, but he put a picture in there. Which I always love. AND THEN! I checked my e-mail, only to learn that I had a package! I'd been expecting my psychology book and a package from Ashton, so I wasn't sure which it would be. Much to my pleasant surprise, I went to the post office and picked up BOTH of those things! Yes! I got a letter and two packages all in one day! It was really splendid. (: Also, in the middle of all the excitement, I got a text out of the blue from none other than Best Friend Kyle. It didn't say much, but it really meant a lot, and it made me miss that boy a whole lot more than is comfortable.

A little while later, I headed to the gym (yes, again. I didn't get my workout done this morning!) with Jasmine, but there were like 100,000 people in there. I wasn't in the mood to stand in line waiting for weights while being surrounded by a bunch of huge guys, so I decided to leave and come back later tonight. On my way out though, I saw my dear good sweet friend Carley! I haven't seen her in a while, so I ended up talking to her for a long time, and it was just good to catch up. Also, she gave us a ride home in her cute new car. What a kind gal. (:

Later at like 5, Jasmine and I went to the "Living Room" of the school, where there was a "Meet the Greeks" thing going on. See, today is the beginning of Rush Week, and they were offering free pizza. Catch: you had to pretend to everyone that approached you that you were genuinely interested in their sorority. Kind of a bummer. But still! I got free pizza, and I got reacquainted with some people that I met at the beginning of the year, and I'd forgotten how sweet they were. So that was neat. (:

At 7, I had to go watch a movie ("Singin' In The Rain") for my film class, so I dragged Jasmine along with me. Also there were the people that I re-friended at the Greek thing. One of them officially invited me to sit with them in our film class, seeing as how I've been bouncing from seat to seat sitting by some pretty strange people. That was definitely a good thing. (:

Next on my list of awesome things that happened to me today came from when I went to the gym for the second time. I could give you the whole story, but it's one of those things I'm choosing to keep to myself until the story has a chance to develop a little more. But basically: this fellow that I have a giant crush on was at the gym. (: That's usually where I see him, but I've seen him occasionally around campus and other various activities. Anyways, I always get excited when I see him, but it's even better when he comes and talks to me. Which he did tonight. And I may or may not have giggled like a little girl inside my head the whole time we were talking. (:

To top off the night, I randomly Skyped some friends that I graduated with, including (but not limited to) Ben Cserepes, Kasey Fox, Patrick Lopez, Dustin Reidhead, etc.

My point is... today could be considered a regular day. But in reality, it was extraordinary. I love this day. I love my friends. I love my family. I love Best Friend Kyle. I love these oyster crackers that I can NOT stop eating. I love my life. And I love you. (:

You could definitely call me a happy camper. (:

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