That's my song of the day for yesterday, and for good reason. My two suitemates are gone for a week, and for some reason that was inspiration for me to clean the crap out of our bathroom. To put it lightly, our bathroom was a death chamber of loose hairs, crusty toothpaste, and old food. In mine and Lindy's defense though, we always make a point to keep our side of the counter clean. So ours wasn't too bad... but the other side was... uhh... aesthetically offensive, let's say. Here are some "Before Jennifer's Mad Crazy 3 ½ Hour Cleaning Rampage" pictures.
As you can tell… it’s pretty gross. But I punched that crap in the face like a freaking champion. You may or may not be able to see the really dark spots on our floor, but it’s from hair dye. If you’ve never had an experience with trying to get hair dye off of tile, let me give you some advice: DON’T GET IT THERE TO BEGIN WITH. And I mean that with my whole heart. I had to use a brain-cell-destroying cocktail of Windex, Oxy Clean, and a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Not to mention over 35 minutes worth of pure elbow grease, and all I got it down to was mostly faded. Now the spots just kind of blend in with the speckle-y pattern. And now for the “After Jennifer’s Mad Crazy 3 ½ Hour Cleaning Rampage” pictures.
What I forgot to take pictures of was the before and after of the counter.I cleaned everything off, wiped it down with a Clorox wipe, then 409ed that crap ‘til you could do surgery on that bad boy. Oh, and I washed the random crusty dishes that were just chillin on the counter… gross.
So yes, this is basically a post bragging about how awesome I am at cleaning. But let’s face it… if I didn’t post pictures, no one would believe how OCD and neurotic I have become since I moved out of my parents’ house.
I can’t even describe my pure joy of living in a spotless room after having it be so gross and germy and sticky and makes-me-want-to-vomit-y.
Yay. (:
2 people find me hilarious:
I guess it takes someone else's grimy-ness to make you realize how wonderful cleanliness is.
dude in that first trash can picture i literally thought it was the one in my dorm for a minute. Looks exactly the same haha
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