Last night, I decided that I really, really needed to get my speech and PowerPoint perfected for Communications today for when I had to present it. I also had some other homework that I needed to work on, but I didn't even get started until like 9 pm, because I'd gone to visit some friends that had gotten in a motorcycle accident. (By the way, for those that were listening to my play-by-play reports, they're both home and are pretty much fine. Just lots of road rash and sore muscles. Billy has a concussion and Jayden sprained his wrist, but they both made it to all of their classes today.)Anyways. Long story short... I haven't slept since about 7:45 yesterday morning. Yes, I was sick and stayed in bed most of the morning, but I couldn't ever fall asleep because either Molly would be getting in and out of the covers, or I would be getting important texts relating to the accident. Soo... yes. As of now, I have been awake for approximately 32 hours straight. I got all of my homework done, a missionary letter sent, my workout done, I went to all of my classes, gave a speech (and did absolutely horrible, in case you were wondering), and here I am. Taking a break from my other mountain of homework I need to do before I can take a nap or even go to bed tonight.
Please. Don't ever give me one of these again. They taste awful, first of all. And I have heartburn that can only be related to a volcano.
This is so unnatural.
1 people find me hilarious:
Woah!! Regardless of results, you are one brave girl!! LOL I hope your friends get better! I know they're doing better, but it's no fun to be in an accident. I was an car accident when I was younger and I wasn't hurt at all, but I didn't go in a car for months I was so scared. Sorry you didn't do too well on your speech, but I hope things get better! :)
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