Sunday, May 25, 2008


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Literally my ticket out of the 10th grade.

it's done. sophomore year. my very own 10th grade experience is finished. which means that half of my really really good friends are done with their whole high school careers. they're graduated, and it breaks my heart that i have to figure out how to make my way through the rest of high school without them. i have some things i want to say...


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I think my favorite time with Garett was on the State Solo & Ensemble trip last month. The first couple of hours from Kanab to Cedar City were pretty boring, until we picked up track from Cedar, and baseball/softball from Beaver. The whole time, we were all scared to sleep for fear of a Reidhead or Garett doing something to us. And we had reasonable cause, because at some point, Justin was asleep and i got a video of Garett licking his face. Wouldn't that intimidate you into staying awake for a 6 hour bus ride? Oh, and our fun times in band and X-Press were definitely some highlights of my year.

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Morgan! Oh dear, this is one person i thank my lucky stars i was allowed to meet and be friends with. Last year we had French 1 together and we would always sit there with Seth and Brianna, eating Captain Crunch and saying "Je m'appelle ________. Je ne parle pas francais tres bien. J'adore toi!" (Translation: My name is _______. I do not speak french very well. I love you!) And then this year, Mr. Stewart was kind enough to put us in Seminary together for the second part of the year. That was so much fun! Butter, I'll really miss you and i'm so glad we were able to have such a blast in French, Seminary, and all those Girls Nights. =]

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Oh the infamous TJ. Yes, he's the one that hi-jacked my car. Twice. He is also the one that has a fetish with feet (he works at the hospital in physical therapy massaging old people's feet. so he notices everything from very skinny big-toe toenails to when your second toe is longer than your first), knows exactly where i am most ticklish, enjoys giving people wet-willies (mostly when they're sleeping... unfortunately, i've had this experience.), and is literally one of the most incredibly nice, sweet, friendly people i have ever met in my life. Throughout the year, i've discovered the more TJ picks on you, the better he likes you. Isn't that funny?

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This is Matt slash Matthew slash Mattchu slash Crazy Guy That I Love To Pieces. (that last one isn't a nickname that easily sticks.) We've been through a lot of times together, not all of them being so great. But for the most part, Matt is a person that i like to go to whenever i just need a friend to listen and say that everything is going to be okay. Random? Yes. Bipolar? Sometimes. Focused? Almost never. There when you need him most? Almost every single time, without fail. He's going on his mission sometime this year, which i can honestly say i'm super proud of him for, but i'm still going to miss him like a fat kid misses the cupcake he just ate (except that i dont plan on eating Matt). I really look forward to the day when we can go on a scavenger hunt in a red Dodge Charger... =]

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VitaminWater. Seriously, this is the one person i associate with that delicious beverage. We've actually had conversations about our favorite labels of "that funny water" and i've looked over from my car to him sitting in his stupid nice Jeep doing a VitaminWater commercial just for me. I'm pretty sure i'll never be able to drink one of those again without thinking of that one sweet kid that i hung out with on music trips! Especially on the California trips both this year and last. I sat by him in Tower of Terror this year and pretty much broke his leg, and he didn't even cry! See? We are friends. Haha i sure like that Adam kid... even though he does have a stupid nice car that i love/hate. =]

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Oh Sam/Salmon/Bob/Samsonite. This kid sure can brighten a person's day, and i feel bad that i've taken him for granted all year long. I'm going to miss him a lot when he goes on his mission, and i've even gotten permission to write. ;) haha right like i needed permission... really though, i love Sam to death and i hope we can stay friends, even though he's graduated.

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What can i say about this boy. My perspective of him has changed so much, i barely know what to think anymore. The first time i ever met Chasen, he was kind of a dark, creepy drama nerd (sorry man, but you know it was true) that was dating one of my best friends. Two years later (freshman year), we somehow ended up hanging out with the same people, which led to us being fairly good friends. Well long story short, Chasen and i went from aquaintances, to good friends, to being pretty close, to fighting like brother and sister, and i'm realizing now that i really do love him like a brother. He picks on me a lot and sometimes doesn't know when to stop, but that's pretty much what brothers do. I'm pretty sure that if it wasn't for all the jokes and stupid comebacks, i wouldn't be the person i am today. But even with all the petty arguing, i know for a fact that if anyone did anything to really hurt me, this boy would be there for me to back me up. Like i said... he's like a brother. (Oh, and this is the face he is probably making as he reads this... haha)

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First of all, i just want to say that the day Justin cut his hair (March 17th, i think it was) was one of the happiest days of my whole entire life. Yes, that includes when i became an aunt, the day we picked up Todd and Keith and Rachelle from the airport last summer, the "perfect" day i had a couple months ago at the Chuck Wagon, and the day i was baptized. Anyways, i don't think i've ever met a (straight) guy that cared about people's feelings as much as Justin does. There have been times when i've called him up and said "What are you doing right now? I need to talk to you..." and we'd sit in his car for as long as i needed while i cried to him about whatever was killing me at the time. Not only was he able to calm me down, but he made me see that my tiny drama issues were actually not the end of the world. I'm not sure if he ever realized how much those times meant to me, but i know that the first time something bad comes my way when he's gone, i won't have to hesitate to call him.

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Jod is a special guy. He' the kind of person that you can joke around with all the time, but i have had countless really deep ♥-♥s with him. My favorite thing about Jod is that he is his own person who honestly cares about people and is friends with everyone. But when it comes to his very best friends, anyone can see with the way he treats them, he sees them as brothers. Jod is one of my very best friends ever, of all time. High school without him is not going to be a walk in the park, but it's my hope that we can stay friends.

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SHAYLEE! Well you see, we had Government together at the first half of the year and she was my math teacher's TA. So between those two and the fact that she was really good friends with my best friend Ashley, me and this chicka got to be pretty good friends. We are cute and we like to chill and make fun of Justin's long hair. Well, we did when it was really long. Oh and me, her, and Demi were always just a wee bit crazy in 5th hour Gov't. Man, i'm going to miss Shaylee so much. She always had a way with brightening everyone's day, no matter how far south it was headed. I ♥ you!

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Final and overall thought of this epic and long post: i love you boys and girls so much. Please don't ever forget that.

1 people find me hilarious:

Anonymous said...

wow, I really appreciate that jennifer! You're an awesome girl! :D woot for us!