Thursday, May 15, 2008

You're it.

so i was checkin my sister's blog because i'm insanely bored and i'm trying to pass the time, and i discovered that she'd "tagged" me. as in, she filled out this survey dealie and then said i should do it. so for boredom's sake... here goes.

Two Names You Go By: Jennifer & Fif

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now: Blue polo and AE Artist jeans.

Two Of Your Favorite Things To Do: Shop and play!

Two Things You Want To Do Very Badly At This Moment: GO HOME and/or find someone to hang out with for an hour.

Two Favorite Pets: Molly (not my pet) and Bowser (also not my pet).

Two People Who Will Fill This Out: Probably Kaylie and... i dont know, maybe Taylor?

Two Things You Did Last Night: Worked on my slide show, worked on my OTHER slide show.

Two Things You Ate Today: Frosty and chicken nuggets

Two Last People You Talked To: Kaylie and Justin on the phone, Jake and Nikiah in person.

Two Longest Car Rides: Lumberton, NC to Mora, NM; Mora, NM to Provo, UT.

Two Favorite Holidays: Christmas and Easter.

Two Favorite Vacations: FL & NM

Two Favorite Drinks: Dr. Pepper & Milk

i guess i "tag" Kaylie and Taylor?

1 people find me hilarious:

Sarah said...

Glad to hear that you check out my blog, which I work SO HARD on, only when you're insanely bored!!! Geez, I mean, don't put yourself out or anything. Wouldn't want you to strain yourself for cryin' out loud.

Kidding, of course. ;)