Friday, June 25, 2010

Big fan.

For the past several months, two of my friends have been embarking on an adventure called---making a band. These two friends then collected another friend of mine, so now there are three band members, and this band happens to be called...

Is that abusing my former power as Student Body Public Relations officer and the use of the school marquee? Perhaps. But it was worth it, because that is my favorite band! These guys are really talented, and I love to just chill with them whenever they have a "jam session." However, due to certain circumstances, their fame and glory will have to be postponed for approximatly two years. But let me tell you what, they're gonne be sooooomethin else when they come home. Here's to Member This Day. (:
(This is only the two original members of the band. The third one is currently in Michigan, and will be there for the next month. Bleh.)
I love you guys. (:

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