Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chupacabra fiiiiiiight!!!

I know, I know, I KNOW I suck at blogging! But you see... I'm extremely lazy, and have been ultra busy the past... however long it's been since I posted last. And while I do feel bad about not telling y'all about my awesome sauce senior trip, and also about graduation (which the majority of people who read this blog actually attended)... I'm afraid i feel disinclined to fill you in now. Sorry, but like I said... I'm kind of a bum. /:

In other news! I got my laptop, finally. Thanks to everyone who sent me dollars for graduation, because that's what paid for this feller. It's so cute though! Let's take a look, shall we?

See? Cute things. (: Anyways, I've been playin with it pretty much every spare second I have. But really, can you blame me?

Anyways, I s'pose I'll give you an update while I'm at this blogging thing. Like I said, I graduated last month, so I'm kinda just chillin for the time being. Well... not entirely. I'm still working at the little coffee shop that I've been at since two summers ago. As of last Friday, I am now the longest standing employee there. /: Yikes. I'm pretty much working every day, with a few exceptions throughout the summer that allow me to have vacation/college orientation/dentist appointments/dates. Yes, brothers, dates. I'm eighteen, get over it. (;

I'll be moving/headed to college in August, by the way. I got lucky and was able to coerce--I mean work it out with a girl in my ward to room with me at school so I don't have to be with a random stranger. However, I have found out the names of the other two girls that will be living in our apartment, and I've never met either one of them. /: Ah well, it's an adventure, right? I'm really excited to go to school, though. As of now, my classes are as follows:

--French 1010 (I am really, really excited for this class...!)
--Math 1010 (Not so much this one.)
--University Studies 1000 (It's a required freshman course)
--Psychology 1110 Lifespan Development
--Library Media (Also a required freshman course. It's mostly online.)

I was in Art 1050, which is an Introduction to Photography class and I was SO pumped for it! Buuuut I had like 18 credit hours... a full load is 15. /: And since I am an undeclared major trying to decide between Psychology and potentially French, I figured I should probably keep those classes. And it'd be a bad idea to drop math, so there went photography. ): Ah well... perhaps I'll take it another year. One of the main reasons I wanted to take it in that particular time slot anyways was so that I could be in a class with someone I knew, because my friend Matt is in there.

Well folks, that's about all I've got for the time being. I think I might be better about blogging now that I have a fun new toy to blog on, but we'll see how that actually goes.

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