Sunday, July 27, 2008

Reality check.

today, i went to my friend Sam's (well... i guess now it's Elder Samuel Pace) missionary farewell. it was in the other stake, so that was kind of a new experience. after he gave his talk (which was pretty funny), 6 people got up to the stand to sing "Army of Helaman/As Sisters In Zion"; Morgan Livingston, Kelsey Barber, Dani Corry, Garett Madril, TJ Reidhead, and Sam. that song always makes me cry anyways, but seeing 6 people that just barely graduated this last year made it extra hard for me to hold myself together. i am such a pansy. but what can i say? he's my friend and i'm going to miss him a lot... but i'm really proud of him. oh and by the way, he's going to the Rochester New York mission. he's leaving on the 6th of August. and in case your interested, here's some more info on friends and missions:

Elder T. J. (I'm not allowed to disclose the actual names that "TJ" stands for. haha) Reidhead is going to the Sacramento California mission. For some reason, he leaves on October 1st even though he put his papers in on the same day as Sam...?

Elder R. Garett Madril is going to the San Paulos Brazil mission. He put in his papers the same day as TJ & Sam, but isn't leaving until October 28th.

on a brighter note, i got a new bedset! whoo! it is just so cute. =]

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Please ignore the laptop... i was actually typing up this entry and decided to take a picture, but i didn't want to unhook it from the internet. Lazy? Very much.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What can i say?

alright alright, what can i say? i'm a teenager. this last thursday, i had a "Girls Night" with a few friends, and well long story short, 4 of us ended up putting red streaks in our hair. permanent red streaks. dumb i know, especially because it's starting to fade and the one on the bottom is starting to just turn hot, hot pink. after i showed mom, i went back to my friend's house to see if we could dye one of them brown because it was pretty showy... but all that did was make it a darker red, so we cut some of it out. anyways, here are some pictures of it. not very good ones but whatever...

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That one in the front is the one i tried to fix the next day... it's not quite so BAM anymore.

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My favorite part about the whole project! haha

and here are some pictures from the girls night in general...

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The group... Nikiah, me, Dani, and Kayla. (Kaylie was takin the picture)

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Kiah and me... frightening...

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Kaylie, me, and Kayla! (Nikiah's in the back) Haha i love this picture so much.

We watched "P.S. I Love You", divvied out who got Gerard Butler (i created the perfect version of him... the voice/music from Phantom of the Opera, the body from 300, and the personality from P.S. I Love You... he's the ultimate person! haha), ate a TON of junk food, did the hair thing of course, and basically just had a blast. whoo! well i'm gonna call this one good. ♥!

P.S. follow me on Twitter!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

I look like Minnie Driver.

So i got my wisdom teeth out yesterday. All four of them! it was a... special experience. i wasn't allowed to eat for 6 hours before the operation, so starting at 9:30, the only thing that went in my mouth was water and lots of Sprite. which was definitely unfortunate, since i was working at my job in a coffee shop/bakery and we'd just made fresh scones and chocolate chip cookies. and since i'm not supposed to have any kind of soda for a while, i was drinking as much as i could to hold myself over until i'm allowed. =]

mom came and got me in time to get to st. george to the... get ready for it... ORAL SURGEON! dun dun dun. so i finally got into the chair, and got a certificate for joining the "First IV Club." you should've seen me, i was shaking so bad. mama asked me if i was really cold, because my lips were trembling. the last thing i remember before i went under was thinking that the 3 shots he put into the IV kind of hurt my arm. i don't really know how long the procedure took, but it felt like forever. oh, and the reason i had to have them surgically removed was because the bottom two were severely impacted... stupids.

when i came home, i sat in dad's recliner, leaned back, and pretty much didn't move. i can only eat soft foods, i couldn't brush my teeth for the first 24 hours (not like i've been upstairs lately anyways...), i had to have an ice-pack literally strapped to my head for 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off, and i've thrown up quite a bit from a combination of the medicine they used to put me out and as a side effect from the Lortab i'm taking. i ended up watching "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" with dad until like midnight:30 ish. Then i woke up at 5:30 and watched "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air." man, i love that show! after that though, i pretty much just chilled, watched TV all day long, and ate mushy food. you know, honestly never realized how many delicious-looking food commercials are shown on a regular basis! seriously right now, i am craving Pizza Hut, Olive Garden, and Applebee's... all at once. i want to eat something solid and delicious more than anything in the world!

i really don't know why i'm going into so much detail. probably because i've only gotten out of this recliner twice today. once to go to the bathroom, once when dad thought a spider was on the chair and i kind of... leapt out. anyways, i'm doing my best to keep myself occupied. but even so, i think i'm going to end this here and now...

Thanks for tuning in, folks. =]