Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oh, also.

I dyed my hair. Calm down, Mom, nothing drastic. I just went back to my natural color. (Or as close as I could get for now.) My hair got pretty sunbleached over the summer, but since I haven't been outside as much lately, my roots have been growing out and it was driving me CRAZY. So here are some before-during-after pictures.

I know this one is slightly weird, but I forgot to take a proper "before" picture, and this was the most recent one I had. I took it to send to Kimberly to show her my idea of French braiding.


And after.

I realize it looks pretty much exactly the same as in most of the rest of my pictures, but it really is noticeably darker. Like I said, it's pretty much my natural hair color.

Still, it was a good experience. I dyed my own hair last night. I'm so grown up. (:

Sometimes I get crafty.

On the very, very rare occasion when I feel like I need to get a little more scrapbooking done in my life, a funny thing happens to me. You may recall this from another experience I had last year, but when I get started on a project, there is no stopping me. No matter how many annotated bibliographies, media watch journal entries, or memory strategy activity assignments I have, I have no higher priority than to complete my project.

I was recently inspired by a couple of websites to do this project. Plus, my walls have been almost completely bare since I moved in, and it's gotten to the point of mildly depressing. Anyways, so I went to the scrapbook store--

Wait, WHAT?? I sent this picture to my mom with a text saying "Mom. I am in a scrapbook store. On purpose. VOLUNTARILY." To which she responded "Who are you??" I'm pretty sure I'm turning into her.

Anyways, I bought a bunch of cute paper and some plain cardstock, then went home and proceeded to write some little words of advice on each one. Here are some of my favorites. They range from fairly deep to simple, silly things that just make me smile.

Anyways, that's my craftiness for the day. Not that big of a deal. Oh, and there's about 38 of these that run in a straight line around my room at about eye level. I really like the placement and such.

Hope you enjoyed this edition of how I spend my days.

Come back soon!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Reunited at last!!

I'm spending my fall break with my best best of best friends--Best Friend Kyle! I got here yesterday afternoon and so far it's been a pretty good trip. I FINALLY met his family, then he took me on a date to get sushi, then we came back to his house, made inside out Oreos (reduced fat... gross), then just chilled and did the best friend thing. Today I get to go shopping with Mama Kyle while Kyle Kyle is at work. After that... I don't actually know. We'll figure it out.

My point is: so far, I love this weekend. (:



Thursday, October 6, 2011

My bad.

I'm awful at blogging.

But the good news is I got the app for my phone, so I'm about 12% more likely to improve!

We'll see how this goes.