Sunday, August 28, 2011

Things I've Learned From Watching Criminal Minds

  1. If you leave a door/window open/closed and it is the opposite when you come back, run away.

  2. Tim Curry can literally play any character.

  3. I want to work for the BAU.


  5. Always be nice to the weird kids. They can usually wield a semi-automatic weapon pretty fiercely.

  6. Shemar Moore was carved by the gods.

  7. When you're on a road trip and all you can find is a semi-sketchy motel, keep driving or sleep in your car. (Learned that from Psycho, too.)

  8. Meth is bad.

  9. Seemingly useless trivial knowledge can potentially save lives in the event of being abducted by a serial killer.

  10. When dealing with a violent individual that has multiple personalities, become bff with the nicest one.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Really? I've had this blog for how many years and I am JUST NOW hitting 200 posts?


I suck.

In other news, I've finished my first week of classes and so far, so good. I like all of them, though they all require significant amounts of reading. Which is fine, I mean I love to read, but it is also very time consuming. My PVA teacher (bless his heart) actually cut down the amount we have to read for his class. We were going to have to read 3 novels (Agains the Grain, Bruges-la-Morte, and The Picture of Dorian Gray) by mid-October, but he very graciously brought it down to one book. I think I'm going to read Gray because that story has always intrigued me.

The rest of my classes are going well. Even PE 1093! I went to the gym 3 times this week (in 3 days) and my body feels like it is on self-destruct mode. Cardio on Thursday, weights on Friday, cardio again this morning. Mostly the weights is what destroyed me. But hey, that just means it's working. (:

Well that's the update for the week. Stay tuned. (:

P.S. I'm quickly realizing that I'm not good at grocery shopping. Either I'll buy the wrong thing or have something in mind that I want to make but forgot a vital ingredient, etc. So if anyone feels inclined to perhaps send me food, cooking pans/utensils, gift cards, etc., feel free to attain my mailing address from my cute mom. (:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

She lives!

I apologize for sucking at blogging this entire summer. I really have no excuse, unless you blame the hamster that runs the internet at my house by running on a wheel. Otherwise, it's totally my fault. Anyways, I thought I'd bring you up to speed.

My job was awesome.

Warped Tour weekend was super fun.

Elk Ridge was splendid.

That's pretty much my whole summer.

In other news, I'm now moved back to school and I LOOOOVE it! Here are some pictures of me moving all of my stuff over. (I borrowed my friend's truck. Side note, I loaded the whole thing by myself, AND moved it all into my third floor apartment by myself. I'm an animal.)

My apartment is absolutely adorable, and I really love it. I have the same roommate as last year, Lindy, with the addition of two new ones, Kelsie and Nicole. So far we all seem to get along pretty well, and it has already been an astronomical improvement over the atrocity that was last year's experience with roommates.

Because I get this question a lot, I will now share with you what classes I am taking.

Arts Retrospective

American History

Models, Methods, and Professional Issues in Psychology

English--Writing on Dystopias


Circuit Weight Training

I was also in Math 1050, but then I learned that I only need 1030 for my major. Plus I was taking 17 credits, which is an absurd amount of work, especially when all of my classes are the kind that involve a loooot of reading every night. Plus my professor was one of those senile old men that find it necessary to speak very loudly and very slowly. I often got the impression that he was chastizing the class for not already knowing the material, and frequently spoke very condescendingly. Needless to say, I didn't feel like I was going to rock Math 1050's world by stickin around, so I dropped it today. I actually feel much better about this semester. (:

In other news, the social life here has taken quite a start. I went to a slip-n-slide last night that I was only expecting like 40 people to come to... it ended up being well over 250. It was awesome. Really, I feel like if this is any kind of foreshadow on the rest of the year, I am in for the time of my life! I am already having wayyy more fun this year than last year. (With the exception of my very best friend Kyle and the beautiful miss Ashley both missing out of my life this time... sad face.)

However, I really am looking forward to this year. I feel like it's going to be a good time. Let's just hope I'm right. (: