Sunday, August 31, 2008

i effin love my family.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day of School... again.

yep i'm a junior, officially. so far, i like it WAY better than being an underclassman. but it is getting to be kind of a pain in the butt when i leave a class and automatically head towards where my locker USED to be. now it's in a compltely different part of the school! plus, my classes are weird...

1st: U.S. History -- Mr. Fox
2nd: i'll explain in a bit.
3rd: Seminary -- Brother Jenson slash Brother Seminary slash Bro. J
4th: English -- Mr. Luce (whoo!)
5th: X-Press -- Mrs. Terry
6th: Personal Finance Literacy -- Mr. Glover
7th: Earth Systems -- Mrs. Smith

okay so for 2nd hour, i dont technically have a class scheduled. but i do have an EdNet class (Sociology 1010) which goes from 9:00 to 9:50. in other words, it basically takes up the same time frame as 2nd period. but the class only happens on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays which leaves Tuesdays and Thursdays open! yeah yeah i was excited for it too (first thing that came to mind was "yes! i can go somewhere for breakfast after 1st hour!"), but there's this thing called like Electronic High School that i have to do in order to get my Health credit. i guess it lets you kind of take a class at your own pace, so i could do it for an hour on tuesdays and thursdays, or even weekends if i was bored enough.

in case you were wondering why i was so happy about my english class, it's because mr. luce is my favorite teacher EVER. he was my freshman english teacher, and we were the first batch of freshman he'd ever taught. and now we're juniors, and this is his first year teaching LA 11... and guess what? my class is the only one he teaches. so we're like his guinea pig class!

my "Personal Finance" class or whatever is interesting... mr. glover mentioned SEVERAL times to me today that i should really be taking pre calculus instead, because that's more like what college would be like. but you know what? i'd rather know about life insurance and interest rates etc. for AFTER college life. i might take pre cal next year, but who knows? we'll see how that goes... i like the people in there, though. i'm really excited, i'm hoping it will be a decent class! oh and my science class? earth systems is what you're supposed to take as a freshman. so the whole class is full of 9th graders except for me, another girl, and two boys that are all juniors. this should be an adventure.

as for my adventures AFTER school, ashley and i went to lotsa motsa for lunch (it was a half day, so we got out at like 12:25), then i had to take her home. so then i swung by Honey's Jubilee. i went in for a VitaminWater, came out with a job. :( i don't know if i've said this or not, but i really really really don't want to work there! i have no idea why... i was talking to mom about it and figured maybe it's because i don't like how impersonal it is. with my job at Linda Lea's, i knew that if i struggled with something or got in trouble, i could just go to my boss who was my friend. but at Honey's since it's a grocery store, i don't even know who's technically hiring me, you know? i have no idea if this is making any sense.

i have yet to go to the pharmacy and tell them why i'm not working for them anymore...

okay well i think i might be done. i have more stuff that i could say, but i'm kind of tired of this. haha ♥

Class of 2010 baby!!

No, i didn't tag that. But it's sweet huh?

P.S. this year is going to kick my emotional butt without nikiah here... it's like, i'll see a girl walkin down the hall who looks like her from the back and i'll be ALL excited, then i have to remember where she really is... :(

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Whole Wide World Is Mine

i've been listening to a lot of Angels and Airwaves today... haha

Today has been an incredible day. I don’t really know why… I mean, it’s not that it was SUPER great or that I had anything amazing happen to me. It’s kind of hard to explain… so I’ll just tell you about my day!

For starters, I actually got up on time today, as opposed to yesterday, when I got out of bed 5 minutes after I was supposed to be AT work. Well, it wasn’t until after mom and dad left that I realized how horribly Todd and I communicate unless it has to do with a) Family Guy, b) Scrubs, c) Pizza Rolls, or d) Kristen. I swear he told me yesterday that he didn’t work at Grandma Tina’s. See, when he works there, it’s from 8-2 which is roughly the same time frame that I have (well… had) at Linda Lea’s, so we could ride together. Well as I aid, I was sure he wasn’t working until later so I didn’t think twice about driving myself into town. At least, not until I drove by his place of work and saw the truck parked there. Needless to say, I was pretty upset, considering I am now out of a steady job so I can’t afford to drive everywhere unless absolutely necessary.

You know, I’m not entirely sure that whole bit was relevant. Oh well! So I went to work at Linda Lea’s at 8 am, and worked until like 10:45. At that point, I had to leave to go to the high school and do registration/fees. However, my fee-suppliers happen to be in Alabama at this moment, so pretty much all I got done while I was there was pick a locker (which Ashley did for me anyways, so I didn’t even need to do that) and a “desirable parking spot with owner’s name painted on for a fee of $20” which I decided not too long after that I don’t even want. So in essence, it was completely pointless for me to leave work for that. Oh well, I got my “Breaking Dawn” book back from my friend Jamie (only to let my friend Erica borrow it like 5 hours later) and I saw a few people. I have a schedule dilemma that I need to solve ASAP, but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Later that day…

Ashley and I were at Fotoworx (a photo store inside Honey’s Jubilee… it’s a grocery store) printing off some pictures, and our dear good friend Mark was working there. Well, he decided to tell us TODAY that he and our other dear good friend Mike are leaving for college tomorrow. So instead of going to see the new Batman movie with Todd (I really am sorry about that), Ashley and I went to Mark’s house where he made us steak, and we made mashed potatoes with his mom. Then we watched the Olympics with those two, plus Mark’s sister Chelsea.

At 8 though, he had to go to a bishop’s interview to become an Elder. And that was A-OK with me! But guess who popped into town for an hour or two? Kiah! I guess her mom had some work to finish in Kanab, so she brought all the kids and Raja (the dog) for the night.

Oh as a side note, I want to say something very special that happened tonight. Ashley, Nikiah, and I were all at Denny’s Wigwam because that’s where Lisa (Nikiah’s mom, aka Mama Riggs. She’s actually in my phone like that!) was supposed to pick us up. Well Ashley was standing on this big rock and we were all just messing around and talking and stuff. I got up on the rock with her and pretended like I was going to push her off, so she “freaked out.” As in, she pretended like she was crying and said something that was incomprehensible to Nikiah. But somehow, I translated it and said “She said ‘she’s being mean to me.’” Ashey: * more gibberish * Me: “And I almost pushed her off this big tall rock.” Ashley and Nikiah both just looked at me with this crazy look. Kiah started to kind of laugh, but Ashley literally got kind of choked up, hugged me, and said “Jennifer, I don’t know why, but that just made me really emotional.” We talked about it later and realized that both of us saw that as something really special. You know why? It’s not because I speak fluent crazy-person, but it’s because I knew exactly what she was going to say before she even said it, and that made it even easier to translate. I don’t know… does anyone else find that to be a special moment to have with your best friend?

Even a few hours later, I went to drop her off at her casa, and I suddenly started spilling my soul to her. Like, I was saying things out loud that I didn’t even realize I thought until I said it out loud. Does that make any kind of sense?

Oh man… it’s late. And I am watching The Simpson’s Movie, so I guess I’ll call this done… I love you so very much.

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The best.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

She's gone.

They left yesterday afternoon.

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's never goodbye, only see you later...

Today was an adventure, that's for dang sure! Well it started out with me trying to wake up at 5:50 am... i didn't get up at that time, but i did get up at 6:20. see, the plan was for me to leave home at 6:30 in order to be at Ashley's house by 7 or so.

you know what? that's really boring. i'll skip it. basically, i got to Ashley's house, we went to the store, then to Nikiah's house. after trying every door but the front, and some cleaning lady that Kiah's mom hired finding the front door open, we went into the kitchen and set up shop. (we were honestly considering cooking breakfast in the driveway if no one came to the door. lol) that's right, Ashley and i made breakfast for the Riggs' the morning before they move. breakfast included GIANT bacon ("Dude, these are HUGE. It's friggin whale bacon!"--yours truly) that i personally cooked, and Belgian waffles made with whole wheat, compliments of Ashley Ann. man, i am so proud of myself. i have pictures to prove it!

the cleaning lady (she was really nice. she had an english accent, and we offered her breakfast like 60,000 times, but she never took it. i liked her a lot, though!) was like "Wow, you girls must be some great friends. I can't believe you came here this early in the morning to make breakfast!" but as soon as she turned away, me and Ashley were like aww...

i'm really glad we did it. they've been living off restaurants and microwavable foods since they packed up their kitchen, and who doesn't like their house smelling like bacon first thing in the morning? her are some pictures to help you visualize the scene...

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Look, Ma! One hand!

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Me & Ash, masters of breakfast.

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They didn't have a spatula, and we forgot to bring one, so this is what i had to use for the bacon. I went through three forks... it looks like alien fingers! haha

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Ashley and Nikiah after breakfast. Yumm!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fixed it!

okay i don't know if you even noticed, but when i had a freak out about my stupid blog being broken, it's because the layout wasn't working, i had no sidebar or whatever... it was dumb. anyways, i got it fixed. now, i swear i have the most colorful blog i've ever seen in my life. WHOO! i dig it, yo!

Sunday, August 3, 2008


okay, so i picked out this new suuuper cute layout for my blog, but guess what? it doesn't really work like it's supposed to. i've still got the purple thing as the background to the text... so i'm still trying to fix that. don't think i'm like color blind or i pick out naggle layouts. =]

and for kicks, here's a couple pictures for you!

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I don't have any idea why Ashley took a picture of me on my phone...

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I ♥ this picture so much... haha