Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Today was a successful day in the health and beauty of Jennifer.

For starters, Lindy and I actually got up and went to the gym at 6:45 this morning. Good job, us! We used to do so every day, but we've been slackin lately. Second, I did arms today and I feel AWESOME about it. Good job, me!

When we got home from the gym, I actually ate breakfast. And it wasn't like leftover tacos, either. It was Special K cereal. Seriously, that in and of itself constitutes as a healthy day in my eyes. Plus I ended up wearing an extremely cute outfit. Here's a picture of it, except I have demon eyes and I'm leaning on a super sketchy limo we found at Lin's.

Moving on! Okay for the rest of the day, I walked to and from school (as usual), ate fairly heathy foods, etc. However, this is the part where I stop boring you and start telling you stuff that may ro may not intrigue and/or inspire you.

Once upon a time, I was stumbling and I came across this website. To simplify your life and to cater to the needs of my mother and her poor dial-up internet, I'll give you the abridged version of what said website says. But first! A story.

As a poor, unemployed, starving college student, it's not very often that I get to set aside my homework for half an hour and just have a few minutes where I just feel pretty. I get myself ready in the mornings and that's fine, but it just doesn't have that extra special feeling where you want to ask all of your friends to touch your hair or your face just so they can be awestruck at how incredible soft they are. Fortunately, the internet has special things in store for those who like fancy things but can't afford them even a little bit.

To begin, the hair!

If you're anything like me, split ends and frizziness make you just want chop your hair off altogether. But please, learn from my mistakes and DON'T DO THAT. Instead, DO THIS.

Olive oil. Simple as that. All it takes is about 2 tablespoons (give or take a little, depending on the amount and volume of your hair. Just the 2 tbsp. did it for me.) of this golden goodness, really. Just massage it into your hair well because it feels awesome and because you need to stimulate your little roots. Wrap a warm, damp towel around your head in kind of a turban and leave it on for 30-45 minutes. Once your all done, wash your hair as many times as it takes to get the oil out (I'll be honest, having a ton of straight up oil in my hair is not my favorite feeling, so I washed my hair twice) and towel dry. I would recommend allowing your hair to air dry completely, if that's an option for you. No need to take away that last extra little boost of refreshment from your hair, right?

Moving on!

The facial mask. This one is super fun, and slightly delicious. Combine 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, and 1 teaspoon of nutmeg. It should be pasty with little tiny chunks of spice in there. Slather your concoction all over your face, but preferrably not in your eyeballs. No bueno. Leave the mask in place for about 30 minutes. For time purposes, I did this at the same time as the hair thing. As you can see here. (Please don't make me regret putting this on the internet.)


While I was waiting for afore mentioned pamperments (yeah, I just made that a thing) to work their magic, I decided to step it up and go for manicure/pedicure. Unfortunately, this is where I get product-y. I already happened to have these little magic guys from Bath & Body Works, so here's my little advertisement...

Those ones don't really require much explaination, I don't think. But the good news is that they work reeeeeally well. I'm actually in the process of developing my own version of the hand scrub stuff, and maybe the foot scrub after that. We shall see. I'll keep you posted on that as it develops.

Finally, a little trick that I actually found at a different website while stumbling. Again: quick rundown.

1 tablespoon of plain gelatine.
1 1/2 tablespoons of milk.

That's it. Mix the two whole ingredients into a disposable container (trust me on this) and put in the microwave for like 10 seconds. Then you have to move FAST, because it's gonna set up real quick. With either a popsicle stick or a makeup brush that you don't care if you ever use again, apply this really weird smelling, very hot substance onto wherever you feel like you need it. I just did it on my nose and chin. (Note: this stuff has some SERIOUS grip. By all means necessary, do NOT make contact with eyebrows. I mean it.) Let it sit for about fifteen minutes or until you're afraid to flick your face because you think it might fall off. Peel the mask off, and HEY! You have a new face.

Alright, boys and girls. But mostly girls. This poor, unemployed, starving college student has got to get to bed. Among other things (i.e. time, money, food, warm clothes, dates, etc.), sleep is one thing I just don't have enough of. Hope you enjoyed this very special edition of stuff that involves my hilarious wit and charm.

I la la love you! And come back soon.

Monday, November 7, 2011

And then I made incredible muffins.

One time, I decided to make some ice cream muffins with my friend JT. It went like this.

Pre-step one: Preheat your oven to 425 degrees fahrenheit.

Step one: Purchase the following items. (Brand and flavor of ice cream may vary. Size may not.)

Step two: Let ice cream sit long enough to soften and mix without a ton of effort. Mix entire pint of ice cream with 2 cups of self-rising flour. Mix until smooth. A lot smoother than this.

Step three: Take a cute picture of yourself in an apron with a spoon covered in the stuff you just made.

Step four (not pictured): Fill muffin cups about 3/4 of the way and put in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Do the toothpick thing. It’ll probably be delicious. Oh, and then they’ll look like this.

And hey!! You just made some muffins out of ice cream.

Good job. And good night

Friday, November 4, 2011

