Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Best Friend

Finally decided to pay a visit to our humble dorms for the first time since he moved out.

He has been gone way, way too long.

I love Best Friend Kyle. (:

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I know I say this all the time

But I really, really miss Sly. I got a letter from him today, complete with a picture of him in a 3-piece suit--classy, right??

His letters always make me giggle. In the last letter I wrote to him, I wrote it while I was super cracked out of my mind on 5-Hour Energy Extra Strength, so most of my stories were ridiculous. I told him my situation of having to be awake for the next 43 hours, and I instantly imagined him laughing at me and saying "silly girl" like he always does when I'm just being ridiculous. In the letter I got today, I was literally shocked at how it began:

Jennifer--or--super flighty girl on energy shots,

I don't really know what to say. I guess I'm not at a loss for words... it just seems that I don't really have to say anything for you to know I'm rolling my eyes, then saying "silly girl" followed up with a sideways smile. You make me laugh. :)

It made me smile that I totally called his reaction. Also, I shared with him my favorite quote from the song "Head Full of Doubt/Road Full of Promise" by the Avett Brothers. You've probably seen it quoted on some blog of mine or whatever. Anyways, it goes likes this:

"If you're loved by someone, you're never rejected. Decide what to be, and go be it."

I love that quote so much. I wish I'd heard it when it was time for me to choose a senior quote, as stupid as that sounds. I just like to share it with anyone I can. Anyways, to that, Sly had a response that almost made me cry:

I really liked your favorite quote! I agree with it. I believe one or the most important things in life is to become! Become who you were in the premortal existence. The moment we decide that's who we are going to be is when we will find our true path.

I know it probably sounds hokey to everyone else, but I loved it. Things can get tricky and scary and unsure and all kinds of other negative adjectives sometimes, but it's good to know that there are always people kind of on the lookout for you.

I just miss that guy, is all. But he's doing a good thing in Georgia, and I'm so, so proud of him for that.

But still.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I love us.

Me and Ashley... we love Denny's.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Egyptian Tortoise

Where have these things been all my life?

And why don't I have one?

I was going to say "This is an outrage!"

But really, this thing is too cute to allow me to be mad about anything.

Like, ever.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Brianna Friend.

Today I was reminded of why Brianna is my best friend. When someone tried to say something negative about me to her, she had my back and stood up for me, even though the person was also her friend. Sometimes that's a hard thing to do, but she did it.

Because we are best friends.

And I love her. (:

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Just kidding.

I told you I'd keep you updated on my story as it progressed.

Well it progressed. I actually hung out with the "10".

Turns out he's not that cool. It's fine though. At least I know, right?

The end.


Monday, April 4, 2011



Last night, I decided that I really, really needed to get my speech and PowerPoint perfected for Communications today for when I had to present it. I also had some other homework that I needed to work on, but I didn't even get started until like 9 pm, because I'd gone to visit some friends that had gotten in a motorcycle accident. (By the way, for those that were listening to my play-by-play reports, they're both home and are pretty much fine. Just lots of road rash and sore muscles. Billy has a concussion and Jayden sprained his wrist, but they both made it to all of their classes today.)

Anyways. Long story short... I haven't slept since about 7:45 yesterday morning. Yes, I was sick and stayed in bed most of the morning, but I couldn't ever fall asleep because either Molly would be getting in and out of the covers, or I would be getting important texts relating to the accident. Soo... yes. As of now, I have been awake for approximately 32 hours straight. I got all of my homework done, a missionary letter sent, my workout done, I went to all of my classes, gave a speech (and did absolutely horrible, in case you were wondering), and here I am. Taking a break from my other mountain of homework I need to do before I can take a nap or even go to bed tonight.

Please. Don't ever give me one of these again. They taste awful, first of all. And I have heartburn that can only be related to a volcano.

This is so unnatural.