Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why do I do this to myself?

This is why I never scrapbook. Because once I get an idea in my head and I actually get going on it... there is no stopping me. And there is certainly no stopping if it isn't perfect.

You might have seen my room recently. Pretty much my entire wall (and then some) was covered with pictures in a checkerboard pattern. But I realized the other night that I didn't like the set up anymore, for several reasons. a) I barely talk to most of the people that were on there. b) When I did this at home, SOOO many pictures fell off the wall, and I was always too lazy to fix it. So I'd have empty spaces all over the place, and it was just really ugly. c) I just needed a change. So I got pictures of my best friends (plus my car and a band... I needed them to complete the pattern), some of my family, and my missionaries.

I choose not to disclose exactly how long it took me to make the Friends, Family, & Missionaries labels. It's rude to let your OCD show in public, you know. Let's just say there came a point where I was praying Lindy would come home so I would have a reason to quit and just go to bed.

I decided to do something special for the missionary section. I gave all of the guys (T-Dub, Trent Howard from Freedom Academy, Mark, Tyrell, Mike, and Thomas... I know Tyrell doesn't leave for like 2 more weeks, but I just decided to put him up there so I wouldn't have to go through this again when he actually does leave. haha) their own little nametags. Sometime in the near future, I plan on putting their addresses up there as well. I think it'll be a little more encouragement for me to write to them. /:

Since Mark left most recently (he went into the MTC yesterday... sad face.), and since his nametag turned out to be my favorite, I'll share that one with you.

So yeah. Basically, I've come to the following conclusion: I do enjoy crafty things, and I like to think I'm kind of good at them. But in reality... I get WAY too stressed over perfecting the dumbest little things, so for the sake of my blood pressure and life expectancy, I'm going to keep the scrapbooking to a minimum.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Jennifer is sad.


Best Friend Kyle is gone all week.

Jennifer doesn't really know what to do.

Jennifer must now resort to math homework as a source of entertainment.

Best Friend Kyle is usually Jennifer's lunch buddy.

Jennifer must now eat lunch alone.

Stupid Best Friend Kyle ruined Jennifer's week.

Jennifer is sad.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


For the first time since I can remember, I finally, finally, have fast internets! I was so excited when I came to college, because I thought I would be getting rid of slow internet for good... I was so wrong. For some reason, Lindy and I have pretty much the only room in the entire building that has slow internet. On a good day, we MIGHT have 3 bars.

Eventually, we'd had enough. So Lindy made an appointment for a techie guy to come fix our internet. Obviously, he couldn't do much about fixing our signal. But he set us up so that we just had to buy some Ethernet cables and call it good. So even though I am, once again, plugged into the wall to get internet, it's finally fast. And the good news is that we can still use the wireless if we want to go into the kitchen or the study room.

So what do I have to say about that? WHOO!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My favorite thing.

Thank you, Wal Mart. For cheap peanut butter.

Monday, October 4, 2010

One time.

Recently, Jasmine and I have been hanging out with some friends named Tim and Ben. On Saturday, they invited us to go rappelling in the canyon with them and two other friends. Neither of us were exactly experienced with rappelling, but we decided to go for it anyways. It ended up being a LOT of fun! It was definitely sketchy, no doubt about that. But it was a heck of a lot better than sitting in my room and watching ESPN all day on Saturday. (:

We just like to take pictures of all of our adventures. (:

Yeah... we were kind of high up. That's our van.
Aaaaand there goes Tim.

MAN I'm awesome!