Monday, October 4, 2010

One time.

Recently, Jasmine and I have been hanging out with some friends named Tim and Ben. On Saturday, they invited us to go rappelling in the canyon with them and two other friends. Neither of us were exactly experienced with rappelling, but we decided to go for it anyways. It ended up being a LOT of fun! It was definitely sketchy, no doubt about that. But it was a heck of a lot better than sitting in my room and watching ESPN all day on Saturday. (:

We just like to take pictures of all of our adventures. (:

Yeah... we were kind of high up. That's our van.
Aaaaand there goes Tim.

MAN I'm awesome!

2 people find me hilarious:

Anderson Family said...

And this is from the girl who once said at the Grand Canyon that she wasn't afraid of heights, but she didn't like edges! Looks like it was a lot of fun, though. Dad

ToDd said...

Nice shirt.