Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hawaii, Raspberries, and my dear Starfom!

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Megan and Me!

well this weekend was as good as I'd hoped it would be, if not better! for starters, my dear good friend Justin came back from Hawaii... WITH SHORT HAIR! like honestly, there is no way you could possibly understand how happy i am that he got a haircut. it just made my whole year, pretty much. haha so anyways, yesterday (Friday) we left Kanab at about 2:45 ish. "we" being all the music students who made it to state Solo & Ensemble. the first couple of hours were pretty chill... mostly, it was me, Kelsie, Adam, Matt, Justin, and Jake that just talked the whole time. but then we got to cedar and picked up the track kids, and Garett came and joined us at the very back of the bus. another couple hours later, we stopped in beaver and picked up baseball and softball kids... that is when things got a little crazy. here are some examples of what i mean by that:

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Garett and Adam being... loving...

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Adam playing the "Quiet Game" with Justin with my pillow. It is now covered in the spit of everyone who was attacked by him because it was his weapon of choice... :/

there are more pictures (like of Adam playing the Quiet Game with me), but they're on Kelsie's camera. i might put them up later, but we'll see how that goes. oh and just to fill you in, The Quiet Game was invented on a drama trip that i was not on. but it involves putting a pillow on someones face until they literally can't breathe, and saying "Shhh shhh shhh it's going to be okay, everything's alright. Shh calm down little boy... shh..." in all reality, it's the creepiest game i've ever heard of, but it was all the rage on this trip. I think everyone sitting at the back of the bus got smothered at some point, and i was lucky enough to only get it once. Justin, on the other hand, got it like 9 times within a few hours. Haha anyways, that was just yesterday. wait wait... lie. the one of Adam and Justin was taken today, but the point is that the trip was pretty crazy yesterday! but wait, it gets worse.

today was the actual competition. the group i was in was a mixed double quartet (sopranos: Kelsie and Courtney. altos: me and Megan. tenors: Justin and Matt. basses: Garett and TJ.) singing a Romanian song called "Sarba Pe Scaun" i think by... some Romanian guy. it really is a great song, but i don't think we really did our best ever today. we still don't know our scores, for some stupid reason. I'm getting pretty irate about it all! i wonder if/when we'll ever find out... hmm!

okay so we performed in the morning, so we got done pretty fast. the last Kanab person was Taylor Armstrong aka Starfom (i love him! haha really though what a cute kid, if i wasn't already married to his best friend, i think i would date that little freshman boy! haha teasin!) doing a marimba solo at 1:45, so we peaced outta there sometime around 2-ish. we then went to a mall where i ate too much at Panda Express, bought a shirt from Hollister, a blue polo and a belt from Aeropostale, then got back on the bus ASAP because i felt like an actual alien was going to burst forth from my tummy at any given moment. oh! and me and Megan were (of course... haha lol) checkin out this random cute guy that we saw at Hollister. turns out he had a girlfriend that was hangin on him, but he had a cute friend that actually talked to her first. see, Megan has had some accidents out on the track while doing hurdles, so her knees are in pretty bad shape. so the cute friend went up to her and was like "ouch! were you in like a bullet bike accident or what?" haha some pick-up line...

the trip back was... wow. out of control does not even describe it. i was: bruised, tickled, wet-willied, raspberried, stretched out, stepped on, elbowed in the face, and so much more. this was over the course of about 5-6 hours on a school bus. i think the worst parts were the wet willy (i was sleeping, it was the only time I'd slept on the whole entire trip except for at the hotel, and i woke up with TJ's slimy fingers in my ears and him saying "wake up wake up wake up!" and it was for no reason at all, except that he's TJ and he just does that kind of thing.) and the raspberry (once again, TJ's fault. he grabbed my arms and someone else grabbed my ankles and he said "okay she's open! get her!" so i was tickled by like 3 or 4 different people, then he says "Raspberry time!" So Adam pulled up my shirt and laid one on me. That's when i started kicking a LOT!).

as much as i would love to go into even more detail, i am completely wiped out. as you can tell, it was a really exhausting trip, and I'm afraid i just don't have the energy to keep going. it was quite a trip though.

and i loved every moment of it.

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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lake, Highlights and Prom!

so far, today has been a very very good day! i got to sleep in all the way until 8:30 (haha... that was a joke.), but then i had to say bye to todd and taron. that was a sad piece of the day though, i have to admit. one thing i really wanted to do though, was find some kind of rubber rattlesnake and put it on Taron's driver's seat to get him back for an entire week of throwing crap at my face! haha anyways, so i met Kaylie, Amy, and Nicole at Kaylie's house at 10 this morning to go to the lake! Then we picked up Sarah and headed over. Well after like 45 minutes of trying to find a good place to hang out, we found one... and we stayed for like an hour. And most of it was just picking pokey things out of our feet and watching Sarah go wading into the 14 degree water. So after a while, we decided we would probably have a better time sitting in Junction, so we headed back for home and did just that. well, after dropping off Sarah and taking a shower to get all the sand off. Then after lunch, Kaylie highlighted my hair which was...... an experience! There was one spot that got extra extra blonde (Kaylie, i know you're reading this and feeling bad... but DON'T! it's fine, i swear!), so we're about to go get some brown dye and fix it. Meanwhile, Kaylie is curling Cassidie's hair for prom. how exciting! haha... well im done. =]

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


We made it to state. Well, with X-Press, anyways. I'm pretty excited, i suppose. Today was a good day. Came up with lots of new jokes ("Ear Candy", my 'versus' bag, USAR/USTAR/USTARM/UASTARM/USA, Sapphire, etc.), got to eat at Arby's, qualified for state, lost my favorite pair of basketball shorts (that's a not so good part), and many other good and great things happened.

yikes. i'm watching "Black Hawk Down" on FX, and i swear they dont edit ANYTHING. like, this guy was missing the bottom half of his body, and they showed it. how incredibly unpleasant. again i say: yikes.

la la la i'm so bored. and i havent written anything vaguely competant on this blog because: i'm on my dad's laptop, which used to stay in my room as basically a permanent resident. but lately, he's needed it to scan slides and negatives and old prints so we can have digital copies. so instead of just typing and listening to my iTunes, i'm downstairs watching UFC which distracts (and definitely does NOT inspire) me. so nothing i write has any substance to it. not like anything before did, especially since it was mostly just writing any words that came to my skull. see? even right now i dont really know what i just wrote because most of my attention is focused on talking to kaylie and UFC. and now back to Black Hawk Down. oh dear...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

1-800-CRY-BABY (courtesy of Jon Mace)

i miss yesterday. and i miss the summer. i miss ashton. i miss jarrod. i miss david. i miss keith. i miss todd. i miss the good times. i miss LIKING to hang out with my friends. i miss not having braces. and i wish i had a muffin.

pity me. (not really. i was making fun of myself.)

Monday, April 7, 2008

For Justin:

























































































































oh... well, there it went. i no longer have a right inkie. thats right, inkie. because since i dont have one anymore, i cannot ty e the letter that comes after O. i also cannot ty e any a ostro hes or quotations. congratulations, Kris ie. you killed my finger. i ho e youre roud of yourself. stu id.

Cake, (Rice) Krispies, and Katherines.

so it hit me. the reason i use a blog is because i have a fetish to see if i can put my thoughts into words. for the most part... it does not work. as you can see, most of it makes zero sense, unless you're me. and since i'm me, you couldn't possibly be me. therefore, since you're you, there's almost no way for it to make any kind of sense. see? there i go. i get it, but i doubt you do.

do you want to hear my embarassing story of the day? i thought you might.

so you might have noticed the incredibly emo, dramatic, stupid poem at the bottom of this page. well, that was (obviously) written about a boy that i used to be crazy about. not anymore though, i swear. if i still was, i would NOT be retelling this here story. haha okay well anyways, this boy happens to be in my 5th period class. so first thing in that class today, he turns to look at me, says "oh jennifer", laughs, and turns back around. i was like "what the crap was that about?" then he tried to play it off like "i dont really want to tell you, because you'll get pissed at me and you already hate me." so then i went through the whole "i dont hate you and i'm in a really good mood so i wont get mad" bit. finally, i got it out of him. he said simply: "i read your blog last night." then him and justin started laughing as they watched me slowly understand what that meant. he'd read the poem. the one that talks about how bad i hated him and how much he "hurt me" and how "heartbroken" i was about him and stuff. i guess i just kind of figured that he would never really care about me or my issues enough to actually read my blog. i was wrong, because he said he got really bored the other night and read all of my entries. awesome.

well, after i got over the humiliation and my skin tone once again became human colored, i started laughing too. i just said "give me a break, i think i was PMSing. but now do you see how bad you pissed me off?" and he was like "yeah!" i think he should bake me a cake to prove he really does know, and to say he's sorry. (if you're reading this... that was a hint. :) lol jk... okay not really. i really do want a cake. haha) so you see, it could have been an incredibly BAD situation. lucky for me and my dignity, i have been in a GREAT mood all day. i mean seriously, there have been so many things happening today that should have wrecked it all, but i'm still pretty bubbly. oh, hey! this is a blog, and i write down my thoughts, so i'll go ahead and say what those things were.

-It's Monday. Period.
-I ripped another hole in my favorite pants (which need to be retired soon.)
-Ashley and Breana switched mine and Nikiah's lockers, so i was very very confused all day. It was weird going to someone else's locker. She was going to switch it with Levi Vincent's, but his locker is in senior hall, and it would have completely thrown me off. Also, Ashley figured i would've gotten pissed at her, and any other day, it might have. But not today.
-I went to the dentist. It was only for a cleaning, but i'm pretty sure a descendant of Jack the Ripper (strictly for the name itself, nothing that it implies.) working as a hygenist. When mom asked me how it went, i told her i'd have to talk to the bishop for getting piercings in places besides my ears. Namely, my gums and my tongue. The man is brutal with shiny pointy objects!
-We had Ms. Bassler for a sub in band and X-Press... i'm sorry, but her "yummy-delicious-groovy"ness just grates. I have to admit, that did bring me down a little. Man she's weird. Direct quote: "Wow dude, i need to stop smoking crack."-Ms. Bassler. Does no one else see why i'm freakin out a little?
-Megan and I messed with Rhees all through X-Press. As in, whispering "Sssspssspssspsss Rhees ssssspssspssspssss stain sssspssssspssssspssss shirt..." then he'd freak out about stains. i'm not gonna lie though, it was really entertaining. And it distracted me from Ms. Bassler. i felt kind of bad though, so at one point i went "Psst hey Rhees!" then he turned around and goes "WHAT?!!" and i just made a heart with my hands and smiled at him. Then he felt bad for freaking out, but when i saw him at lunch, he was like "Yeah i dont know if i can really talk to you right now, Jennifer. I'm afraid you're gonna mess with my head some more!" after i tried apologizing. He was just teasing though, dont worry!
-Chasen, Justin, and Matt had a boys day, meaning Kelsie and I couldn't go to lunch with them. But we managed, and it wasn't too bad!
-Yeah, the whole bit with that boy in 5th hour. Some of you probably know who it is, but if you don't... i don't particularly want to advertise it. Ha.
-Biology itself. Bahh.
-I kind of got in a fight with my dad. We never get along, ever.
-It's Monday.

That's pretty much the negativity for the day. For morale's sake (and because i'm putting off an English assignment), i'll go ahead and put positive things. Because really, i am a very happy person, especially right now.

+ Wore my new shirt!
+ I got to drive myself to school! Well, kind of. I dropped mom off at work, then took the car.
+ Finished my book. An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. I liked it a lot. But i don't exactly recommend it. It's pretty risky, language-wise.
+ Got to leave 1st hour English early for the...
+ Dentist! Yes, i know i already complained about the licensed slasher, but i just like to have professionally clean teeth.
+ I understood what everyone learned in math, even though i was 45 minutes late (dentist).
+ I told Ms. Bassler i was sick and couldn't play, plus i got to go back and sit by my good buddy Brandon! So i pretty much chilled and talked with him the whole time.
+ I could have been embarassed really bad in X-Press, but i wasn't. Tyrell asked me something so Ms. Bassler singled him out and he said "I was asking her about the music." Then Shadoe jumps in and says "On a date." Then everyone started chiming in and breaking off Shadoe's joke, teasing me and Tyrell. Normally, that would have turned me bright bright red. But Megan said i just went a little pink, but that went away when i started laughing. So the positive part about this little rant is that i'm getting better at laughing at myself. Face it, we all need to do it more often.
+ I ate Rice Krispies for lunch. :) Gah... i effin love those little things!
+ I got 49/50 on my Government test!
+ Seminary. It's gotten a lot better lately. And when i say "better", i mean that i have more fun. We're as rowdy, disruptive, and ADD as always, but it's just funner. I think Bro. J has accepted the fact that we're not going to be his inspirational-tear-jerker-Mormon-movie-miracle-turnaround class, and he just works with us, rather than fighting us.
+ When i came home, i got to watch my two favorite shows, even though Daddy was downstairs, and he supposedly hates "Scrubs." But i would look at him during the really funny parts, and he was either smiling or laughing pretty much the whole time!
+ My dear good friend David (a.k.a. Hawkeye... hahahaha oh Ashton, i miss our jokes. Lol) called me! I think maybe that's why i'm in such a grand mood. No one ever calls me, so when it's my especially cute friend (lol) that i like talking to on the phone, that makes it extra-good, you know? haha

Notice: There are more good things than bad. And that's including the negative piece mentioned twice.

That's about it for now. I'm sure something SWEET will happen in the next few hours before i got to bed! Wasn't that a thrilling insight into the things that happened to me today? In general, i'm happy with how it went.

I love this feeling. It's just... good, you know? Good. Bien. Bueno. And whatever other languages you can possibly think of. Oh, and i think i'm done. Because i dont know how many more times i can stand saying how happy i am. i'm pretty sure you get the idea!


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Peanuts, Swiffers, and California Screamin'.

What the poo. I just saw the most ridiculous thing ever. I just found a can labeled “MIXED NUTS Less than 50% Peanuts”. Why? Why would you want your Mixed Nuts to not even have HALF of it be peanuts?! I love peanuts. It is the manna from heaven. If I could, I would spend all day sitting on my couch, looking out the window, and eating tiny little miracles out of a can labeled “100% Purebred Perfect Little Peanuts”. Actually, I could only do that for a couple hours. I do have a life, you know, plus if I eat too many peanuts I start to get sores in my mouth. I really don’t know why I got this crazy urge to spend a piece of my lifetime typing up my deepest feelings for peanuts. This is like a Homer Simpson moment, you know? “Aww… $20… I wanted a peanut.” “With $20, you can buy many peanuts!” “’Splain how!” Maybe it’s because I just like to put off cleaning the bathroom floors, even if it is with our fabulous new Swiffer WetJet. And it is fabulous. I dig it.

Have you ever had a hero in your life? And not like a “Wow, he changed my life” hero, I mean the cliché kind. Like, they are the main character in your story (after you, of course), your days always involve something to do with them, they are the loyal sidekick in your own autobiography. Has your sidekick ever sidekicked your right in the a-word? In other words, have you ever had a friend completely turn into someone (or something) else? Unfortunately, I have. Recently, in fact. Last Saturday. What kind of sick person makes you cry in effing Disneyland? That is just not okay by any standards, especially not mine. Especially because that sick person made me miss riding California Screamin’. I love that ride, and I didn’t get to ride it all weekend. Believe me, I am heartbroken about that fact. Oh I was sad, I cried, I bawled like an overly sensitive teenage girl (oh… wait…), but I forgave him and we are friends again. But things are different, you know? Strained. Tense. Uncomfortable. Awkward. I seem to have lots of relationships like that lately, and I don’t love it. I wonder what will pan out after graduation? Hmm…
On a happier note… well, what should I talk about? I have happy stories, I really do. I get to see 4 of my siblings tomorrow! Whoo! I love my family. Whenever I talk about how much I love family get-togethers to my friends, some of them literally don’t understand. They honestly don’t get why I wish all my family lived within an hour of each other, or why they’re all I ever talk about. Why is that? What is it about my family that makes me love them so much? I happened to run into my brother in LA last weekend, and I later cried for two reasons: I was inexpressibly overjoyed that I was able to see him (even though I’m going to see him tomorrow… yeah, weird, I know.), and I was so sad that we probably spent a total of about 12 minutes together that night. Right before “Wicked,” in the intermission, and right after. And then there’s good ole’ Todd, who is my best friend. Once, he actually spent three entire HOURS trying to cheer me up. We won’t go into detail about how THAT one ended, but still, the motion impressed me to no end. Gah I love my family. I just can’t get over it. We are so cool and we have so much fun and this last summer is one that I’ll never forget, for a lot of reasons. One: Hawkeye. (If you don’t get it, don’t worry about it.) Two: Florida/Taylor’s wedding/Barnes’. Three: We made history. When all six of the Dean and Pam Anderson offspring played Nerts, and it was a fair game. Back when I was a youngin’, I was too yittle to stand up to the wrath of losers. But now (unfortunately), I am seen as fair game. Still, that was possibly one of the most epic battles I’ve ever had the privilege to have part in. Okay well, I’m just gonna wrap this up, so I only have two more things to say. To those that don’t understand it, I am so sorry. And I hope you do someday. And to my family: I love you and I can’t wait to see you!