Sunday, January 30, 2011

Quite cute.

Quit cute indeed. (:

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I know it's time for me to do a post that isn't a bummer, but today has simply not been my day.


Ask Allie Brosh.

She knows what's up.

Especially on this particular subject.

Thank you and good night.

P.S. Pair of fresh shaved legs = the best feeling on a day like this.

P.P.S. The phrase "pair of fresh shaved legs" never fails to get the song "Going Away" by Meg & Dia stuck in my head. Just throwin that out there.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Called it.

You may recall the following statement from a previous post from about a month ago:

"Hey Jennifer, where's your other half?" and "Hey Jennifer, you look weird and awkward walking places by yourself. You look like you need to have a best friend next to you."

That's referring to what I predicted people were going to say to me once Best Friend Kyle made his final exit from SUU. Well... let's just say I was half right. People are definitely saying those things... just not to me. I've actually had people asking me if I'm depressed because Kyle is gone. I'm really not sure how to feel about this.

Honestly, I'm really surprised that this has come up. I mean, I don't think I'm depressed. I'm certainly not sad all the time, and it's not like I'm constantly thinking "Oh, if only Kyle were here..." Granted, I have my days when I really just need my best friend. But I'm not like in a perpetual state of misery simply because my "other half" is 7 hours away.

On the other hand, I have noticed that I've become much more reserved and kind of quiet (two of my favorite phrases to use when defining "socially awkward") this semester, but I attribute that to the fact that if I don't do absolutely stellar in my classes this semester, I lose my scholarships and I'm basically screwed. As a result, I've been confining myself to my room most hours of the day studying and doing homework. If I'm not in my room, then I'm either at the cafeteria or at the gym (which is technically me doing homework, since I'm in a Circuit Weight Training class), and that's almost a guarantee. I wouldn't necessarily say this is because I'm depressed... I just have different priorities this semester. Who knows?

No one knows.

I'm not entirely sure why I'm posting this. I guess this is kind of the closest thing I have to a journal, since I haven't written in a journal regularly since my junior year of high school. Writing has always been a good emotional outlet for me. It helps me sort out thoughts and emotions. And you, lucky reader, get to be in on it.

This semester is different in a lot of ways. I'm definitely more stressed about schoolwork, considering my final grades will affect a huge decision I'm going to have to make. My friend Sly who, under different circumstances, would've asked me to be his girlfriend and I wouldn't have hesitated to say yes, left on his mission in December. So I miss him an awful lot. I'm also having a harder time with my living situation this semester. Turns out, I'm kind of selfish when it comes to my personal hygiene stuff. I have a big, big problem with people borrowing my body wash, toothpaste, brush, razor, etc... and yes. Those are all current problems. Gross, right?

And of course, there is Kyle. I do miss him really, really fiercely. Some days more than others. I still text him every day without fail, and we Skype fairly often, but it's obviously not the same. I would love more than anything to be able to take a trip to where he lives and just spend a few days with him, but I'm not so "weird and awkward" enough that I let the fact that I miss him affect my outward emotions. At least, I don't think so.

I forgot what the point of this post was supposed to be. Was it to say that I'm not a clinically depressed maniac just because Kyle is gone? Was it to say how much I miss him? Was it to say how much I miss last semester in general? Was it to tell you how wildly exhausted I am, due to an extremely intense workout I had an hour and a half ago? Maybe it was to say that I really shouldn't blog when I'm in a tired/hungry/missing-Best-Friend state of mind. Who knows?

No one knows.

Good night.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Rainy days and Mondays...

Trick! This totally is not a sad post. Shoot, it's not even raining. It's just kind of windy. That title mainly seemed appropriate because of the word "Monday." Ah well.

Anyways, the real point of this post is to tell you exactly why this day has been one of the most genuinely spectacular ones I've had in some time. Granted, last weekend in Fillmore was AWESOME, and I got to see The Maine in concert (again) this last Saturday, which was also awesome. But today was one of those days that would normally seem like a regular day for the lack of great events, but no... today was something special.

It started out a little odd. I didn't sleep very well last night, so I was woken up at 5:30 by my suitemates talking pretty loud. It's okay though, because my alarm was set for 6 so that I could go work out before my first class at 9. Yes, I know some of you read that line again, while others may have actually puked a little... but I actually really enjoy working out before classes. It's a really great way to start my day, and there are about 45,000 less people in the gym at 6:30 am then there are in the afternoon. (If you go between 2-7 ish, you have to actually wait in line to get on a treadmill. It's awful.) My solution is to either go in the morning or late at night, around 9:30. Since I generally have things going on at night, I choose to go before classes. Plus, then I have the mentality of "Man! This is going to be a productive day! I mean, it's not even light out and I'm already doing something worthwhile!" I really do love it. And I highly recommend it. (:

Moving on. I got my hair done on Saturday, and today was the first chance I had to leave it down so you could actually see the new coloring in it. (In case you're curious... the bottom part is dyed kind of a darker brown, while I have lowlights fading into the layers up to the top. I know it sounds really gaudy, but it's more subtle than it sounds.) So that was nice. (: Also, my classes were just fun today. I got my math homework done in class, I learned lots of interesting things about sleep in Psychology (and I got an assignment to dream... that's literally what she said), I kicked a quiz's butt in communication, and I made a new friend in Film. Overall, not a bad academic day.

After my classes got over, I checked my mail and discovered that not only did I have a letter from Elder Sly, but he put a picture in there. Which I always love. AND THEN! I checked my e-mail, only to learn that I had a package! I'd been expecting my psychology book and a package from Ashton, so I wasn't sure which it would be. Much to my pleasant surprise, I went to the post office and picked up BOTH of those things! Yes! I got a letter and two packages all in one day! It was really splendid. (: Also, in the middle of all the excitement, I got a text out of the blue from none other than Best Friend Kyle. It didn't say much, but it really meant a lot, and it made me miss that boy a whole lot more than is comfortable.

A little while later, I headed to the gym (yes, again. I didn't get my workout done this morning!) with Jasmine, but there were like 100,000 people in there. I wasn't in the mood to stand in line waiting for weights while being surrounded by a bunch of huge guys, so I decided to leave and come back later tonight. On my way out though, I saw my dear good sweet friend Carley! I haven't seen her in a while, so I ended up talking to her for a long time, and it was just good to catch up. Also, she gave us a ride home in her cute new car. What a kind gal. (:

Later at like 5, Jasmine and I went to the "Living Room" of the school, where there was a "Meet the Greeks" thing going on. See, today is the beginning of Rush Week, and they were offering free pizza. Catch: you had to pretend to everyone that approached you that you were genuinely interested in their sorority. Kind of a bummer. But still! I got free pizza, and I got reacquainted with some people that I met at the beginning of the year, and I'd forgotten how sweet they were. So that was neat. (:

At 7, I had to go watch a movie ("Singin' In The Rain") for my film class, so I dragged Jasmine along with me. Also there were the people that I re-friended at the Greek thing. One of them officially invited me to sit with them in our film class, seeing as how I've been bouncing from seat to seat sitting by some pretty strange people. That was definitely a good thing. (:

Next on my list of awesome things that happened to me today came from when I went to the gym for the second time. I could give you the whole story, but it's one of those things I'm choosing to keep to myself until the story has a chance to develop a little more. But basically: this fellow that I have a giant crush on was at the gym. (: That's usually where I see him, but I've seen him occasionally around campus and other various activities. Anyways, I always get excited when I see him, but it's even better when he comes and talks to me. Which he did tonight. And I may or may not have giggled like a little girl inside my head the whole time we were talking. (:

To top off the night, I randomly Skyped some friends that I graduated with, including (but not limited to) Ben Cserepes, Kasey Fox, Patrick Lopez, Dustin Reidhead, etc.

My point is... today could be considered a regular day. But in reality, it was extraordinary. I love this day. I love my friends. I love my family. I love Best Friend Kyle. I love these oyster crackers that I can NOT stop eating. I love my life. And I love you. (:

You could definitely call me a happy camper. (:

Monday, January 17, 2011

And away he goes...

This weekend was one full of barking, wrestling, and foul smells. Yes, friends—I spent the weekend in Fillmore. Jasmine and I were invited to go up with my friend Chase to attend the missionary farewell of our friend Josh. You probably remember that I have a bunch of friends from that ridiculously tiny (and extremely smelly) town. Let’s recap to keep you updated.

I met Rendon and Clay at Freedom Academy in August of 2009. I went to their senior homecoming dance as Rendon’s date, and that’s where I met the rest of the gang. The ones I know best (besides Rendon and Clay) are Chase, Hayden, Josh, and Tristan. Also among their group of friends (whom I don’t know as well) are Nick and Gordon. Last summer, the first 6 came down and spent a few days horsing around at the sand dunes, and came over to our house for Norwegian pancakes. So that was a bonding experience for us all. At the end of the summer, Rendon moved up north for school, Clay moved to Cedar City, and the rest stayed in Fillmore. Chase eventually moved to Cedar City as well, but not to go to school.

So that brings us back to now. Josh is going into the MTC on Wednesday, so obviously Chase wanted to go home for his farewell, and he invited Jasmine and I to come with. This blog post is the story of my weekend adventures in Fillmore.

Jasmine and I got done with classes at 1, but we didn’t end up leaving Cedar City until around 3-ish. When we got to Fillmore, we were able to get settled in at Chase’s house (that’s where we stayed all weekend) and Jasmine met his parents. We pretty much bummed around the house for most of the afternoon, and then most of the crew came over and just watched TV with us. After a long time, we decided that we wanted to do something, and the final decision was to go explore the natural hot springs that are in that area.

(By the way, I forgot to take pictures until Saturday morning… sorry!) In the end, it was me, Jasmine, Chase, Clay, Hayden, Tristan, Josh, Nick, and Gordon that went. We had to walk a little ways to get to the “hot pots”, which was kind of sucky because it was like 18 degrees outside, and I was wearing flip flops. (Don’t judge me. Chase told me to come prepared to go to a hot tub, so of course I brought flip flops.) Once we got to the hot pots, I discovered that they are definitely not as exotic as they sound. First of all, there were already four or five people there, mostly between the ages of 25 and 40, and they were all slam blasted drunk out of their minds… it was actually really funny to hear them talk. Other than that, the whole thing was covered in moss and other various mystery slimes and it kind of smelled weird and the fact that it was dark made everything so much creepier when something touched your foot… but it was still a way fun excursion. (: I was very worried about the trek back to the truck, considering I was wet on the way back. Somehow though, I managed to make it back.

When we got back to the house, I realized that I’d left my intended pajamas laying on my bed in Cedar City, so I had to borrow a pair of pajama pants and a Millard (yuck) Track & Field shirt from Chase. I’m not sure if he knows it yet or not, but I have no intention of returning those pants. They’re just too comfy. (: Anyways… thus ends Friday.

Saturday, I was woken by Jasmine’s voice saying softly “Jennifer, Chase’s mom made us breakfast if you want.” I’m pretty sure I mumbled something incoherent, and instantly fell back asleep. What felt like 3 seconds later but was apparently 15 minutes, I was woken again by Jasmine’s voice—this time, not so soft—saying very excitedly “JENNIFER! GET UP! THERE’S BACON!!!!” It wasn’t so much the volume of her voice that really woke me up as the pitch of it. (Jasmine gets really excited about bacon…) So that’s how my day started. Also, throughout the entire day, Jasmine was constantly spewing out ridiculous, very quotable lines. The following is a (pretty much) complete list of “You had to be there…” Jasmine-isms from Saturday only:
-It's goblehbleh!
-I think there's a movie called the Spawn of Saintan...
-You owe me for being so awesome!
-Eww Jennifer... he has feet!
-I shanked you!
-JENNIFER!! You look SOO cute!!! (This one you really had to be there for)
-What is happening??
-What am I supposed to do??!

Yeah… it was entertaining. Anyways, we had plans to go to Salt Lake later in the day, but we couldn’t leave until Hayden got off work at 3, so we just hung out at the house all morning. Jasmine, Chase, and I watched some movies for a few hours until we decided we should start preparing vehicles for our journey. I thought we were just going to put gas in Chase’s truck, so I didn’t even bother getting dressed. Turns out though, we had several errands to run, including going to the grocery store where Hayden works to get the keys to his van, and vacuuming out said van. So I got to run around all over Fillmore wearing a tank top with a nice coat over it, some oversized men’s pajama pants, my nice Rocketdog boots, and Chase’s foam trucker hat… I looked awesome.

Yayyy for looking like a bum!

Look at the camera, Chase! Vaccuum the van, Chase! Do work, Chase!

Vans! Yeah!

Haha Jasmine and the quarters...

Eventually, we got everything done, we went back to Chase’s house, I actually got ready, and the time finally came for us to head to Salt Lake. Rendon didn’t see much point in driving ALL the way down to Fillmore from school on Friday, driving ALL the way back up, coming back to Fillmore AGAIN that night, then driving BACK up to school on Monday. So we just decided to meet him in Salt Lake, then have him drive back that night, and then he’d just go back to school on Monday. So I rode in Hayden’s van with Jasmine, Chase, Hayden, and Tristan, while Clay, Josh, and Nick rode in Clay’s car.

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On the road to SLC!

The drive to Salt Lake was fairly uneventful. Unless you count the fact that we drove about 15 miles going 11 mph due to some construction on the freeway, so we didn’t exactly make it in time to meet Rendon when we said we were going to meet him. We ended up deciding to just meet him at the car expo that we were planning on going to.
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Took this in the middle of our traffic jam... thought it was funny to see a Hybrid with a body kit. haha

And yes. I just said car expo. If you don’t know these boys, here’s something you should know: they’re all really into cars/ATVs/motorcycles/anything with an engine. So as Jasmine, Tyler (Rendon’s friend that he brought down with him for the weekend) and I walked around and looked at the shiny cars, all the guys were drooling over the insides of the new trucks. Rendon actually went so far as to teach me some stuff about cars… I’m not sure how much of it I retained. Mostly I just remember the phrase “travel shock.” And I think that’s about it.

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This Aston Martin once belonged to Michael Jordan... fancy!

One thing they did have there was a van advertising a certain brand of speakers. They had two people at a time get in this van (which I’m pretty sure was made up purely of subwoofers) and they played some very bass-heavy songs. They actually provided ear protection, just in case. They also pointed out the Panic button in case it “got to be too much”… yikes. /: I’ll let you judge from this picture approximately how loud it was…
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Once we got done at the car expo, it was the unanimous decision that I was hungry. Well… alright, I guess everyone else was hungry, too. Chase has yet to get over the fact that I get extremely lucky every time I go to Olive Garden, so he demanded we go there so I could “work my magic” and get everyone free food. Sheesh… talk about pressure. /: Anyways, so we went to Olive Garden, and no, I did not get anything for free. BUT. I only ordered soup, salad, & breadsticks, and the waitress told me that my soup would be brought out with everyone else’s entrees, even though everyone else who got a soup as a side would have theirs out in a few minutes. I was kind of upset about that. But when she brought out everyone else’s soups, she accidentally made one extra, so I got my soup like 15 minutes earlier than I was supposed to! So even though I didn’t get anything for free, per say, I still got pretty lucky. (:

It was a close call, but everyone made it out of Olive Garden alive. A few of the boys got the Tour of Italy, and Italy came extremely close to winning. But the boys conquered, and celebrated the victory by eating some chocolate cake. Does anyone else think boys have zero brain power? Anyways, we made it back that night safe and sound. Everyone came over to Chase’s house hoping to catch the end of some race that they were all following, but I guess we just missed it. Instead, Clay decided to try on one of Chase’s dad’s old prom tuxes. Since Clay is a good friend of mine and I fear for my life if I posted it, I won’t post the picture that I have of him in it. Let’s just say… it was a little snug. And very baby blue. And extremely polyester. And I’ll let you do the rest of the math. (:

After such a late night, it was kind of rough getting up early enough to not only get ready for church at 9, but be there early so that all the friends could sit together on one bench. This is a “congratulations” to Jasmine and I for getting ready in under half an hour. We’re awesome. Anyways, we ended up getting the whole back row to ourselves for friends of Josh, which was kind of fun. I was sitting between Rendon and Jasmine, and whenever it was time for a hymn, I shared a book with Rendon. He and I both sing the parts written into hymns, and after the meeting, his friend Tyler told me that he quit singing after the first song because he liked hearing mine and Rendon’s voices together. That comment made me miss X-Press an awful lot, but it also made me feel pretty good. (:

As for the talk, Josh did a really good job. He’s a really quiet guy, so he was extremely nervous about giving his talk in front of so many people. At the end, he kind of started choking up, and as I looked up and down the row at his best friends, I saw that a lot of them were tearing up as well, and some of them were actually crying. It was really touching to see how much these boys care about their best friend, but it’s also good to see how much they love each other.

After sacrament got over, everyone headed over to Josh’s house to help his mom get all the food together and get it ready to take over to the senior citizen center, where the lunch was to be held. However, she pretty much had an army of helpers, so we ended up shifting over to the senior citizen center just to get out of the way. The lunch was AMAZING (carne asada tortillas… mmm), and the company was pretty good as well. (:

Ohhh Chase... (:

Once we were stuffed, Chase took Jasmine and I back to his house, where we all crashed on the couch while watching Transformers. At like 3:57, Chase woke us up by reminding us that his grandma had made dinner for everyone, and we were supposed to be at her house at 4. Thank you, Chase, for the heads up. /: So once again, I stuffed my face with some ridiculously delicious food that was not even close to being fixed for me. Goodness… I’m such a mooch. /: haha

After our second dinner, we reverted back to our natural positions on the couch. Around 6 or so, I got a text from Rendon saying that his family was going to play some games, and did we want to come over and play with them? It took some convincing for Chase (he almost let me drive Jasmine and I in his truck over to Rendon’s house just so he wouldn’t have to get dressed), but we ended up going to the Shields’ house to play Phase 10. That family is so much fun. (: Obviously I’ve known Rendon for a while, but I’ve also been friends with his little brother, Dallin, for about a year or so. I met his parents when I went up for their homecoming dance last year, and have seen them at other various competitions and events since then. However, I did get to meet his older brother, Aaron, for the first time. Turns out his family gets almost as ridiculous during card games as my family does. (:

When everyone got burnt out (and by “everyone” I mean “Rendon’s dad”) of Phase 10, everyone kind of went their separate ways. Jasmine asked about the likelihood of getting a tour of Fillmore, and we decided that wouldn’t be a bad idea. So me, Jasmine, Chase, Rendon, and Tyler all piled into Chase’s truck and we drove around for like an hour and a half exploring the back roads of Fillmore, Utah. By this point, we had decided there wasn’t much point in going back to Cedar a day before we needed to, since there was no school on Monday. Jasmine and I are professionals at overpacking, so we happened to have enough clothes to last us one more day before we left. This being decided, we thought it’d be fun to go exploring on four-wheelers the next day. With that plan in mind, we decided we were all beat (why, I’m not sure. All we’d done pretty much the whole day was eat and sleep.), and headed back to Chase’s house and called it a night.

I woke up around 10 to Jasmine telling me that Rendon was at the house. I took that to mean “Hurry up and get dressed, we’re leaving soon.” So I didn’t even bother taking a real shower or even really getting ready. I took a quick rinse-off shower, pulled my hair up, put on the bare minimum of makeup, and got dressed. Little did I know it would be another 3 hours before we left, due to the fact that Chase’s gas tank got flooded with water over the winter and wouldn’t stay on, so we ended up having to borrow his grandma’s Polaris. Also, he and Rendon had a GREAT time trying to bolt down a seat in the back of the Rhino so that someone could ride back there. It was entertaining at first… then extremely boring.

Bored faces... Jasmine just looks REALLY pissed. haha

Finally, we were ready to go. Jasmine rode with Chase on his grandma’s four-wheeler, while Rendon, Tyler and I rode in the Rhino. I’ve gone offroading with Rendon before, and it was… an adventure. I was pretty excited for this excursion. (:

Rendon's friend Tyler bracing himself in the backseat...

Whoo! What an awesome fella!

Jasmine and Chase before the ride...

The ride was SUPER fun. The mountains in that part of the state are very different than what I’m used to, but they’re pretty in their own way. Also, there was a bunch of snow left on the ground, so that made things interesting. Jasmine and Chase got SOAKED from the knees down, but the Rhino’s half-doors kept me fairly dry. Also, I hadn’t come prepared with appropriate shoes for four-wheeling, so I had to borrow a pair of Chase’s shoes. And a jacket. So I wasn’t too worried about getting wet/muddy. (: Eventually though, Rendon and Tyler had to head back up north, because it’s a pretty long drive to where he’s going to school. After he left, the remaining three of us didn’t have much left to do except say ‘bye to Josh one more time, then head back to Cedar City.


Overall, the weekend was definitely a success. I had SO much fun hanging out with my Millard boys… but then, when don’t I have fun with them? This was the most I’ve ever done in Fillmore, but that’s probably due to the fact that I spent 4 days there. I plan on spending another weekend there in a few months when Hayden prepares to leave on his mission (fun fact: Hayden is a very tall, kind of pale-ish redhead that is going to be serving in the Philippines… tell me that didn’t make you giggle to visualize), so I hope that one will be as much fun, if not more.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A [Jennifer] by any other name would [be] as sweet.

What is it with me and nicknames? They just keep coming out of nowhere. And I seem to be accumulating more. Let's recap, shall we?

-Jenenefinener (yeah that one takes some time to figure out)
-Yeah Yeah
-Nope Nope (for my bad mood days)
-Jorddan (but only with 2 D's)

Etcetera. Lately, the members of The Biggest Stunt (who, by the way, I'm coming to love more and more every day. Those guys are freaking sweet) decided that there really isn't even a point in me having a name at all. Romeo actually insisted that I've been introduced to him as Jennifer, Jen, Jenny, Amanda, Roger, etc. So our conclusion was that if anyone says a name that doesn't belong to anyone else in the room (i.e. if I'm with the band and someone says "Hey, _____" and the "_____" isn't Cory, Romeo, Chase, or Devan/PeTA), then they're referring to me. I have responded to Amanda, Gizelle, Donald, Jessica, Alfie, and many other various titles.

The latest one came from when we all stayed up a little too late, and we began talking about--brace yourself--Dragonball Z. Cory, Chase, and Romeo started assigning titles to everyone, and I somehow ended up as this chick:

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Let's get one thing straight though: I would NEVER wear that outfit.

Android 18. Considering how late it was when we came up with this, I am actually very surprised at the fact that everyone in the band and Romeo's girlfriend/PeTA's best friend/my down-the-hall neighbor Michelle still calls me Android 18, or even just 18. It always kind of shocks me, because "Hey, 18!" sounds like "Hey, team!" and I become quickly confused. Oh well... new nicknames are always fun.

I guess I have no reason to complain. I love nicknames. (:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


"Beautifully" by Jay Brannan

Every time he goes, she dies
Every time he comes, she cries

He was her long, bright future
In the middle of a wrong, dark road
He loved her, but he wasn't too sure
If he could return the love she showed
When she said, my love extends
Beyond the realm of being friends
He kissed her head
And quietly he said

It's not that you're not beautiful, you're just not beautiful to me
She said, how beautiful do I have to be?
When I look in the mirror, you're the only thing I see
And I have loved you beautifully

Well, ten thousand tears passed by
But she never let him see her cry
And he called up down one night
He said, let's get in the car and just drive

He talked a lot about loneliness
But why, she didn't know
And some song about Memphis
Was playing on the radio
She said, let's stop the car and slow dance
Won't you just give me a chance?
He took her hand
And hoped she'd understand

It's not that you're not beautiful, you're just not beautiful to me
She said, how beautiful do I have to be?
When I look in the mirror, you're the only thing I see
And I have loved you beautifully

Well, she'll burn that bridge
And build a house
And swallow the smoke in her mouth
She'll feel the burn
And then make the choice
To put the fire in her voice

It's not that you're not beautiful, you're just not beautiful to me
She said, how beautiful do I have to be?
When I look in the mirror, you're the only thing I see
And I have loved you beautifully.

Raise your hand if you never, ever want to go through another January 5th. Can we just skip this day in the future? Please?

I'm sorry. Today has been a rough anniversary for me. Cross your fingers for me that next Jan. 5 will be a lot better than the two preceding it...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Aim small, miss small.

In the past, I have been known to throw out some pretty high-aimed resolutions every January 1st. Such as:
--Meet Jared Leto
--Pet a dolphin
--Drive a Mustang
--Own a Mustang
--Invent something even cooler than a Mustang
--Go to college (actually... this one was somewhat achievable.)

In 2010, I came to the conclusion that I am an "optimistic realist." Basically, that allows me to be both a pessimist and an optimist, depending on my mood that day. For this purpose, I'm choosing to be a realist. High goals? Pshhh. Overrated. Below is a list of New Years Resolutions for 2011. (Which, I'd like to point out, sounds ridiculous when you say it out loud. Like it's even a year... pshh. Whatever.)

--Brush my teeth every day. (Done. I promise.)
--Wear my retainer sometimes. (Done.)
--Take out my contacts every once in a while. (Done.)
--Watch the first four seasons of Psych in under one week. (Done... don't judge me.)
--Pick a favorite NBA team. (Done. Jazz. Whaaaat!)
--Be invited to go snowboarding. (Done.)
--Go on a date. (Ehh. I've got 12 months.)
--Don't kiss my date. (I'm actually really good at this one.)
--Use sticky notes. (Done. My Elder Justin C. Sly friend would be so proud.)
--Write to at least one missionary (out of the nine on my writing list) at least one time. (...working on it.)
--Be awesome and hilarious. (Done and DONE.)

I know you're probably wondering "Why in the world didn't I think of such brilliant resolutions?" The answer: I have superior thinking capabilities to most people. It's okay if you're intimidated.* The real feat here is the fact that I have secretly come up with some other resolutions that actually resemble real goals. HOWEVER! I refuse to share them with you, in the event that I come through as my usual self and lose steam after a short while of trying. That way, I can pretend that I pulled them off, when really all I did was go to class on time for a whole week. (:

Actually, that last one isn't half bad...

In other news. I'm going back to school this weekend, and I am super pumped. It's been a fun break being home, but I'm about burnt out of driving to my middle-of-nowhere home on roads covered in 2 inches of ice. (Not that Cedar is much better weather-conditions-wise, but at least I don't have to drive in it.) Plus, what can I say? I miss my friends. I'm ready to go back.

But for the time being... I sleep.

*Note: I have literally done nothing but watch Psych for like 3 days straight. So if you are gathering a sense of self-centeredness, mocking, and hilarity, that's because my inner voice is literally that of Shawn Spencer/James Roday. And there's literally nothing I can do about it. Now I want you to reread this entire post with his voice in your head, and you will understand the direction I'm coming from. Oh, and I literally just used the word "literally" five times in one paragraph. Thank you, and good night.