Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A [Jennifer] by any other name would [be] as sweet.

What is it with me and nicknames? They just keep coming out of nowhere. And I seem to be accumulating more. Let's recap, shall we?

-Jenenefinener (yeah that one takes some time to figure out)
-Yeah Yeah
-Nope Nope (for my bad mood days)
-Jorddan (but only with 2 D's)

Etcetera. Lately, the members of The Biggest Stunt (who, by the way, I'm coming to love more and more every day. Those guys are freaking sweet) decided that there really isn't even a point in me having a name at all. Romeo actually insisted that I've been introduced to him as Jennifer, Jen, Jenny, Amanda, Roger, etc. So our conclusion was that if anyone says a name that doesn't belong to anyone else in the room (i.e. if I'm with the band and someone says "Hey, _____" and the "_____" isn't Cory, Romeo, Chase, or Devan/PeTA), then they're referring to me. I have responded to Amanda, Gizelle, Donald, Jessica, Alfie, and many other various titles.

The latest one came from when we all stayed up a little too late, and we began talking about--brace yourself--Dragonball Z. Cory, Chase, and Romeo started assigning titles to everyone, and I somehow ended up as this chick:

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Let's get one thing straight though: I would NEVER wear that outfit.

Android 18. Considering how late it was when we came up with this, I am actually very surprised at the fact that everyone in the band and Romeo's girlfriend/PeTA's best friend/my down-the-hall neighbor Michelle still calls me Android 18, or even just 18. It always kind of shocks me, because "Hey, 18!" sounds like "Hey, team!" and I become quickly confused. Oh well... new nicknames are always fun.

I guess I have no reason to complain. I love nicknames. (:

2 people find me hilarious:

Kimberly said...

So, I saw that picture pop up on my Blogger Dashboard and I was like, o_0? What's Fif doing with a DBZ picture on her blog?

Jennifer said...

Yeah... my friends are awesome. /: haha