Monday, January 3, 2011

Aim small, miss small.

In the past, I have been known to throw out some pretty high-aimed resolutions every January 1st. Such as:
--Meet Jared Leto
--Pet a dolphin
--Drive a Mustang
--Own a Mustang
--Invent something even cooler than a Mustang
--Go to college (actually... this one was somewhat achievable.)

In 2010, I came to the conclusion that I am an "optimistic realist." Basically, that allows me to be both a pessimist and an optimist, depending on my mood that day. For this purpose, I'm choosing to be a realist. High goals? Pshhh. Overrated. Below is a list of New Years Resolutions for 2011. (Which, I'd like to point out, sounds ridiculous when you say it out loud. Like it's even a year... pshh. Whatever.)

--Brush my teeth every day. (Done. I promise.)
--Wear my retainer sometimes. (Done.)
--Take out my contacts every once in a while. (Done.)
--Watch the first four seasons of Psych in under one week. (Done... don't judge me.)
--Pick a favorite NBA team. (Done. Jazz. Whaaaat!)
--Be invited to go snowboarding. (Done.)
--Go on a date. (Ehh. I've got 12 months.)
--Don't kiss my date. (I'm actually really good at this one.)
--Use sticky notes. (Done. My Elder Justin C. Sly friend would be so proud.)
--Write to at least one missionary (out of the nine on my writing list) at least one time. (...working on it.)
--Be awesome and hilarious. (Done and DONE.)

I know you're probably wondering "Why in the world didn't I think of such brilliant resolutions?" The answer: I have superior thinking capabilities to most people. It's okay if you're intimidated.* The real feat here is the fact that I have secretly come up with some other resolutions that actually resemble real goals. HOWEVER! I refuse to share them with you, in the event that I come through as my usual self and lose steam after a short while of trying. That way, I can pretend that I pulled them off, when really all I did was go to class on time for a whole week. (:

Actually, that last one isn't half bad...

In other news. I'm going back to school this weekend, and I am super pumped. It's been a fun break being home, but I'm about burnt out of driving to my middle-of-nowhere home on roads covered in 2 inches of ice. (Not that Cedar is much better weather-conditions-wise, but at least I don't have to drive in it.) Plus, what can I say? I miss my friends. I'm ready to go back.

But for the time being... I sleep.

*Note: I have literally done nothing but watch Psych for like 3 days straight. So if you are gathering a sense of self-centeredness, mocking, and hilarity, that's because my inner voice is literally that of Shawn Spencer/James Roday. And there's literally nothing I can do about it. Now I want you to reread this entire post with his voice in your head, and you will understand the direction I'm coming from. Oh, and I literally just used the word "literally" five times in one paragraph. Thank you, and good night.

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