Saturday, August 27, 2011


Really? I've had this blog for how many years and I am JUST NOW hitting 200 posts?


I suck.

In other news, I've finished my first week of classes and so far, so good. I like all of them, though they all require significant amounts of reading. Which is fine, I mean I love to read, but it is also very time consuming. My PVA teacher (bless his heart) actually cut down the amount we have to read for his class. We were going to have to read 3 novels (Agains the Grain, Bruges-la-Morte, and The Picture of Dorian Gray) by mid-October, but he very graciously brought it down to one book. I think I'm going to read Gray because that story has always intrigued me.

The rest of my classes are going well. Even PE 1093! I went to the gym 3 times this week (in 3 days) and my body feels like it is on self-destruct mode. Cardio on Thursday, weights on Friday, cardio again this morning. Mostly the weights is what destroyed me. But hey, that just means it's working. (:

Well that's the update for the week. Stay tuned. (:

P.S. I'm quickly realizing that I'm not good at grocery shopping. Either I'll buy the wrong thing or have something in mind that I want to make but forgot a vital ingredient, etc. So if anyone feels inclined to perhaps send me food, cooking pans/utensils, gift cards, etc., feel free to attain my mailing address from my cute mom. (:

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