Sunday, August 28, 2011

Things I've Learned From Watching Criminal Minds

  1. If you leave a door/window open/closed and it is the opposite when you come back, run away.

  2. Tim Curry can literally play any character.

  3. I want to work for the BAU.


  5. Always be nice to the weird kids. They can usually wield a semi-automatic weapon pretty fiercely.

  6. Shemar Moore was carved by the gods.

  7. When you're on a road trip and all you can find is a semi-sketchy motel, keep driving or sleep in your car. (Learned that from Psycho, too.)

  8. Meth is bad.

  9. Seemingly useless trivial knowledge can potentially save lives in the event of being abducted by a serial killer.

  10. When dealing with a violent individual that has multiple personalities, become bff with the nicest one.

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