Saturday, December 13, 2008


So i know everyone has heard of Twilight. I started reading the books the end of my freshman year, because i needed something to keep me occupied on my 4 hour flight to Florida that summer. In other words, before the insanity and Edward-mania spread worldwide. Well as much as i LOVE these books, i didn’t like go online and order tickets to see the midnight showing of the movie. (To anyone who actually did that… sorry. haha) i was planning on waiting for it to come out on DVD before i saw the movie, until Tuesday night when i heard that it was in the local-ish IMAX theater! Well who can pass that up? So the next day at school, i invited a few girls from my grade to go with me to see it. i did invite Ashley, but she had stupid freaking dance competition this weekend and wouldn’t have been able to make it. In the end, Carley's mom wouldn't let her go, so it turned out to be me, Chelsea, and Brianna. Whoo!

We drove to the theater in my car, but we arrived like an hour early. Either we overestimated our ETA, or i drive like a maniac and don't know it... i prefer to think it was the first option. :) The three of us were STARVING, so we went to this little convenient store that's nearby, bought some microwaveable foods (i got French toast and sausage... yum!), fixed them in the store, then headed over to the theater. We were the only people in the whole entire theater until like 6:58 (movie started at 7), and we were so excited. I thought we were going to have the whole place to ourselves, but then like 6 other people came in... bummer. The old people that were like 10 seats away freaking hated us by the end of the movie, because i was never not laughing at Edward. He was just so... ridiculous.

I'd have to say that the best part of this whole excursion was just hanging out with Chelsea and Brianna. They're so sweet! I even have some PHOTOGRAPHS to share with you! Yay!

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Brianna, Chelsea, and me being cute... with presents!

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It was a big tree.

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"Make faces like you're having a baby!".... don't ask.

1 people find me hilarious:

Anonymous said...

Dude thats funny, but just so you know your links to the skins for the MOTOKRZR don't work.