Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm still here.

so i went in and talked to Mr. Stewart and got my schedule worked out for this year. it will please all you siblings of mine to know that i'm having early morning seminary. bah. well i guess that's what i get for having seminary as a class period for 3 years, band for 2, and X-Press for two... i so messed up my senior year schedule. haha well here it is, just for funsies.

-1st: (that's negative first period): Early morning seminary.--Brother Jenson
1st: Math 1010 EdNet
2nd: College Prep English--Ben Luce
3rd: Health--Bucky Orton
4th: X-Press--Merilee Terry
5th: Chemistry--Kim Titus
6th: PE--Holly Robison
7th: Financial Literacy--Heather Glover

i gotta say, i'm not too jazzed about like any of those classes. basically, i'm just looking forward to X-Press and English. i'm really, really nervous about Chemistry, because my friends that took it last year said it was way way hard. but it was either that or Medical Anatomy and Physiology Science (MAPS), which is even harder. much as i love Ms. Warner, i just can't handle an anatomy class. and i hate the fact that i have to take PE my senior year, but whatever.

so anyways, that's just me catching you up on the year. by the way, i still have a post for Freedom Academy on its way... i am just so dang lazy. haha

3 people find me hilarious:

Kelsie Blake said...

So I am in pretty much all those same classes haha I'm also not too thrilled for most of then either.

Jennifer said...

haha really? that's awesome! well don't worry, we'll make them lots of fun. agreed?

Anonymous said... financial literacy..