Saturday, October 24, 2009

Movie list.

sometimes, i'll be talking to my friends about movies, and we'll either say "oh man, i haven't watched that in forever!" or "what is it called? what's it about? i don't think i've ever heard of it." so this here's a list of movies that i need to watch with my friends/family either for the first time, or just watch it again for funsies.

"The Pagemaster" with Carley, Chelsea, Chanelle, and Southwick;Rendon.
"The New Kid" with Todd.
"Madagascar" and "Madagascar 2" with Ashley and Nikiah.
"Groundhog Day" with Carter.
"Hot Rod" with Todd;Carter.
"The Muppet Movie" with Dad.
"Family Something Something Something Dark Side Guy" with Todd.
"The Tenth Circle" with Nikiah.
"El Dorado" with the cousins. (:
"White Chicks" with Rendon and Clay.

We may or may not see this list change

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