Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I just realized that I never posted on State Solo & Ensemble. Sorry, folks.

Chanelle and me bein cute in the Beaver dugout...

On April 23rd, the baseball and softball teams had a game in Beaver the day we had to head up north for S&E, so we (I went with softball) went to Beaver for the games, then the music bus picked us up on the way to Salt Lake. The ride to Beaver was fun... Chelsea, Chanelle and I all got the very front seats of the bus. You'd never expect it, but those are actually the best seats for the following reasons (like you care):

• Our bus driver was Brent, and he’s awesome. So we just talked to him the whole time, and he always let us decide where to stop and eat.

• I was able to catch the air from Brent's little personal fan, so I never got too hot.
In this case, we were the farthest we could possibly be from the rancid baseball team.

• Whenever the boys did get too stinky, Brent would spray some air freshener, and we got the effects first.

Also, I heard the funniest story on that trip that I have ever heard in my entire life. Period. This is no exaggeration. I know I laugh at a lot of dumb things, and also at a lot of genuinely hilarious things... but this by far surpasses anything I've ever heard. To prove it, here is a picture of me after a solid 15 minutes of laughing. (Just so you know, I'm actually laughing right now just thinking about that story.)

I know it looks like I'm crying (or, if you’re Taylor Armstrong, like I’m in labor)... but you would be too, if you had just been laughing to your fullest extent for a quarter of an hour. My muscles were in agony... but I just kept laughing.

Moving on. Softball lost their game against Beaver, but baseball won. Whoo! From there, we piled onto the music bus. I ended up having to sit by myself, surrounded by people that I never talk to, so it wasn't a very thrilling ride from Beaver to Salt Lake. Once we got there, though... it was good.

I had the same roommates as I did in California, so it was me, Chelsea, Chanelle, and Jamie. We were so excited that our room had a balcony, so we opened the door an explored. While one of us—I won't say who was in the bathroom, Chanelle decided to close the screen on the door to keep the bugs out. The unfortunate soul that was in the bathroom came out, was still excited about the balcony, was not aware there was a screen in the door to our balcony... and plowed through it. I’ll tell you this much… at the time this occurred, I was plugging my phone into my charger, and Jamie was making her bed. You do the math. Anyways, after we fixed the door, we all headed down to the pool area and had a grand ol' time there until we had to go back to our rooms.

Oh. We have all kinds of fun. We do what we want.

The next day, we all actually got ready to go on time. Weird. We got to Lone Peak High School pretty early, so we had time to run over to Wal Mart and play!

Me and Chelsea found some treasures at Wal Mart...

Chelsea and I had a struggle with our song. The schedule told us that we were supposed to sing in this one room in the seminary building. So we go there, sit, wait… eventually, the judges said “Umm… we don’t have anyone after those girls. We have our lunch break now.” Turns out some of the schedules were messed up on a few events. Ugh. So we ran around like crazy to find our room in the seminary building… no such luck. Finally, after asking around a LOT, we found out we were actually supposed to be singing in the high school. (And for the record, this school is HUGE. So to be running around all over the place in poofy dresses and stilettos is a feat to be challenged. I dare you.) But we had to hurry up and sing our other song (a double quartet, “Cantate Domino”) while we were at the seminary building. THEN me and Chelsea had to haul over to the school. By the time we got to where we were supposed to be, we were like half an hour late and out of breath and dying of thirst… not awesome conditions to be singing at a state level. But we did our best and ended up getting a 1- (the equivalent to an A-), so I guess we didn’t suck as bad as we could have. Oh, and I don’t know if I mentioned it before or not, but she and I sang “Homeward Bound” arranged by Marta Keen.

Immediately after Chelsea and I got done, the whole group had to warm up to perform. We had like 5-10 minutes to do so, so we actually were kind of warming up as we all ran to the auditorium to perform. The performance went alright. I cried at the end, though, because I realized that I would most likely never, ever again compete with a choir. Sad things, huh? Anyways, once we got done I went and sat in the audience with Chelsea and Chanelle so we could watch Millard’s choir which was right after us. You might recall that I have some really good friends from there, and my best of those friends is in that choir. Also, his dad happens to be the director, whom we fondly refer to as Bob, though that’s not actually his name. Fun fact: the director of the Millard Majestic choir is also the man that established/invented X-Press over 20 years ago. Neat things! I really like Bob a lot though, he’s a neat guy. He came in and watched us while we warmed up, and he was kind of goofin off during one of the songs in order to loosen us up and get us more involved in the song. What a guy.

Finally, we were able to go change and grab some longboards. I got to stop and talk to Rendon before we went on our merry way, so that was cool. I don’t get to see that kid nearly enough, I swear! Anyway, me and Chelsea just decided to longboard all over the campus until we had to leave. (Chanelle was tired, so she decided to take a nap on the bus.)

Eventually, it was time to go. After gathering all of our kids and me saying ‘bye to Rendon, we split. This time, I sat with Starms on the bus and he made the trip a lot more interesting. Chelsea came back after a while, and we just had a little party.

I really am going to miss these competitions. State Solo & Ensemble is my favorite competition every year. And this year was no different. (:

1 people find me hilarious:

Anonymous said...

Phew! What an adventure, LOL. I've never been out of state for an event, sounds like fun!!