Thursday, July 1, 2010

Long time coming.

For the past two years, I have been one of those obnoxious people that hear someone else complaining about their job, then I'd jump in and say "Ha! Sucks for you! My job is the bomb dot com!" However, the magic of being a barista in a small town has slowly, but surely been wearing off over time. Ever since I began working full-time again (well, as full time as I can get, considering the hours), I've started to realize how much I would rather be home sleeping. Or eating. Or running. Or doing anything other than working. It's not that I don't like the people I work with (they're really actually pretty cool), and I still like what I do, and I've always hated European tourists that don't speak English, so that can't be the difference... I don't know. I wonder if I'm just impatient to move and just go to school full time. I'm getting pretty antsy.

I think part of my problem is that I have an awful lot of pet peeves that are making work a very stressful place for me to be. As some of you may know, I'm a very irritable person. Some of my work pet peeves are:

--When the door to the pastry case gets left open.
--When the steampots don't get rinsed out right away.
--When there are espresso grounds left all over the counter.
--Seeing coffee drips on the cupboard doors.
--When people expect me to wait on them, when there is a sign above the register clearly stating "ORDER HERE."
--Having to bus tables. That is not my job.
--Customers who don't speak English, and refuse to even try.
--Dishwater that has food floaties in it. Gross.
--Annoying music.

I really do have issues with getting irate very easily. But oh well... what can ya do? Only like 5 or 6 more weeks, then I get to go to college and blow all the money I have worked so hard for. Yay.

1 people find me hilarious:

Anonymous said...

This must be why I screw up every job I get. :(