Sunday, April 11, 2010

Here am I

I realize I get really lazy with my blogging, but here is my defense this time: between going to Salt Lake for spring break, Sterling Scholar, and school in general, things have been CRAZY! This is the first time I've been on a computer in like 2 weeks basically. So yeah... my bad.

First of all, I just want to let you know that Sterling Scholar is now officially OVER! We had the regional competition on Thursday the 11th, where the winners and runners up were decided. Unfortunately, only one kid from my school got anything. But he did win the math category, so that's good. We're all real proud of him. (:

Now on to my main reason for posting: PROM! ......again. About a week ago, my awesome awesome friend Taylor (more commonly referred to as Starmfaund, Starms, Starmy, or Champ) asked me if it would be okay for him to ask me to prom. The reason he had to ask for permission was because he was giving me like a week's notice. I was all for it, so on my way home from Salt Lake last weekend, we stopped by Taylor's friend Craig's house, where Taylor was stationed. I went inside to find Starms with a guitar, and he sang me a song... that he wrote himself! He owes me a recording of the song, because I actually really liked it. The main line went "Jennifer, come out and say 'Taylor, I will go to the prom with you.' We can have the time of our lives. Jennifer, I want to go to the prom with you." It was awesome. To answer, I put together some little "YES" flowers and put them in a flower pot with a note attached saying "Taylor, I'm so glad you PICKED me to go to prom!"

Over the course of the next week, I located a dress and was involved in helping to decide what to do for our day date. Taylor's friend Helaman asked my friend Chanelle to prom, so the four of us were a group for a day date. The plan was to go night boarding at Brian Head the night before prom so we wouldn't have to worry about ending the date on time. I've never been snowboarding before in my life, so I was particularly nervous about night boarding. We left Friday afternoon for Brian Head, and had a fun ride there.

Me and Chanelle in the car... don't ask me why, but this is how my smile looks in every single picture I took that day. Yikes.

Helaman and Taylor... He Man just wasn't up for a picture, I suppose. ha

But such is our luck, we showed up to Brian Head... only to find out that night boarding has been closed for the season. Yikes.

See? There's that face again. But this one was kind of on purpose.

Instead, we decided to head on to Cedar City for our date. We found a little park with some tables and set up our dinner there. After our picnic dinner, we went and found a bowling alley and spent the rest of the night bowling. I have some pictures of that, but they're on Chanelle's camera and I have yet to obtain them. In the end, it was my favorite date of all time. Just the fact that we had to be spontaneous and create our own fun made things so memorable.

Taylor and me at the bowling alley. Gah... that face...

On to Saturday. I had to work that morning, so I left smelling like coffee, bagels, cigarettes, and Clorox. Ah well... such is the nature of my job. After I got off, I went to Chanelle's house to take a shower and deodorize myself. After that, I went to a sophomore girl's house to have her do my hair for me. Then I headed home, did my make up, got dressed, and waited for my date.

Aww how precious...!

That corsage was absolutely gorgeous.

We had dinner at Taylor's house, provided by his mom. Him and He Man forgot to put their names in for the school provided dinner. That turned out to be okay, though, because the dinner we had was super tasty. The dance itself was alright. The juniors this year entered into some contest to win $1000 to spend on prom, and they won. The decorations were actually pretty rad. The theme was "Hollywood Night", and it was rather sweet.

Me and Chanelle at the dance... look how cute she is!

In the end, I had a way good time all around. Starms is literally in the top 5 funniest people I have ever met in my life, and I just love that kid. All in all... I think this prom was astronomically better than my own. But still...

There's nothing better than a good day, except laying down to sleep and knowing you'll remember it for a long, long time.

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