Sunday, August 22, 2010


For anyone that hasn't read my dad's post on our family blog, I'll let you know now: I'm finally all moved in at college. Today is Sunday, and I arrived here on Thursday. And in those few days, I've gotten to be better friends with several people that came here from my own high school, and I've also made a ton of friends on my floor. In particular, I have a group of friends that lives on my floor that include me, one other girl, and three boys. We've all gotten to be pretty good friends, which is awesome because none of us have ever had any previous connection to the other. Two of the boys aren't even from this state, so they came here knowing absolutely no one. The four of them think it's silly that I can pretty much walk anywhere on campus and see someone that I went to high school with. (:

Alright well I'm actually getting ready to go to church, so this is going to be a short one. It'll be interesting to see what it's going to be like to go to church in a Young Single Adult ward... /:

But first! Some photos for your viewing enjoyment.

This is the Carter Carillon clock tower. I took this while there was a seemingly endless stream of freshmen walking underneath it from west to east. The idea is that after that first day, you don't ever walk under the clock tower until you graduate, then you walk under it from north to south (or south to north...?). Then there were walls of people on either side clapping and high fiving. It felt like a freaking rock star.

My cute, cute bedspread, courtesy of my cute, cute grandma. (:

All the freshmen got shirts and we got to tie dye them. Mine was legit. (:

My RA (Resident Assistant) decided to decorate the hall with monsters. This is the one for my on my dorm door. (: It's because I am just so double smiley!

1 people find me hilarious:

Kim said...

Okay, so just remember to brush.
And don't be a stranger.