Monday, January 5, 2009

Frick frickety frickin fricker!

Pardon my French, but that's the only words i can come up with to describe my feelings for snow/ice. I had quite the run in this morning with it... actually, it was more of a slide in. When i was driving to school this morning, i took a turn faster than i had anticipated, and began sliding out of controle. I then proceeded to slide off the road and get stuck, back-end first.

At first, i tried to kind of dig the snow out of the way of the tires to try and get out of there, but it was like 2 1/2 feet of snow, when an inch or so of solid ice on top. If i was maybe oooh like 100 pounds lighter, i could've just walked on it, but instead i'd take a step, then instantly go up to my knees i snow. I now have all kinds of scratches all over my ankles and shins from the ice. Needless to say though, nothing i did helped.

Considering where we live and the zero amount of cell coverage, the deal is usually that when someone leaves the house, we give them somewhere between 30-45 minutes for them to call us and let us know that they got to town okay. Well... when i left the house at 7:35, i said that i'd call when i got to town. Unfortunately, my family doesn't love me and they never came looking for me, even when i'd been gone for an hour without calling. (Mom, Dad, and Kimberly... that was a miniature guilt trip. Just so we're clear.) So after a total of an hour and a half of alternating between crying, sitting and starting into space, and trying to dig an entire car out of the ice encrusted snow, it occurred to me that i could call 911. In case you didn't know, even if you don't have regular service on your cell phone, there is always always always emergency service so you can call 911. Anyways, i dialed, hit "Send", then immediately hit "End" and used that service to call the house. That's right, i stole cell service from 911. haha i'm so clever!

Mom and Dad came in the park truck and towed the car out of there and all was well, or so i thought. When they were connecting the tow strap, i remembered that i'd heard a hissing sound when i went off the road. Sure enough, my back left tire was blown, and we had to put the donut on there. So then Dad drove me to school in Missy so he could take the tire to get fixed, while Mom drove the truck back, picked up Junior, and came back into town so she could bring Dad home in order for me to keep the car.

And just to give me a chance to vent, i just want to say that this is all Tina Campbell's fault. She is a federal judge who has told the county not to maintain the majority of the road that i take to school. A few weeks ago when we got like a foot and a half of snow, it was MOSTLY plowed, but they left 4 inches of snow on it for some stupid reason. That was alright at the time, because Missy can make it through 4 inches of snow. However, now that some time has passed and the snow has been packed, it is about 2 inches of solid ice, whereas the rest of the roads in the area have had all the snow melted off by now. So because of Tina Campbell, i blew a tire, i have 3 Band-Aids on each ankle, my fingertips were literally completely numb for the majority of the day, my back bumper is seriously cracked, and so is my dignity and confidence in my driving abilities.

What's the moral of the story? That's right. Always, always, always find someone to blame for your rotten luck. :)

P.S. Has anyone else noticed that i can dramatize absolutely any story? Man... i should really be a writer.

P.P.S. Say "Chip shaped suitcase" 5 times fast, i dare you.

2 people find me hilarious:

Anderson Family said...

Can I add that Dad gets to pay the $250 deductible to get the broken bumper fixed on the car? Mini guilt trip right back at ya!

Jennifer said...

That was not my fault. Neglecting to worry about your child's health and safety is more worthy of a guilt trip than me getting into an accident that i had no control over.