Monday, January 26, 2009


i'm it. again.


1: I thoroughly enjoy Costco rolls. FAVORITE food group.

2: I am partially in love with Jared Leto.

3: I have mild OCD.

4: I find athlete hair like the most attractive thing in the world. Like helmet/baseball hat hair or when basketball/soccer players get it all messed up. haha

5: I can't stand having hair past my shoulders.

6: My entire body is my "tickle spot."

7: Germ-o-phobe.

8: I invent words. Such as: bullomalarkey. (Bullsh*t, balogna, and malarkey.)

9: When i get scared really bad, i lose the feeling in my fingertips. I don't know if that happens to everyone or not, but it does to me.

10: I tend to get up in the middle of the night to change my pajamas.

11: I have 2 toothbrushes and 3 different toothpastes... all of which i use on a regular basis.

12: I have the strangest dreams you could ever imagine.

13: I have a pretty unhealthy addiction to [Scrubs].

14: I can't cook to save my life. I try, but it doesn't exactly work.

15: I have a husband, a fiance, "another man", a father of my children, but no boyfriend. (Just so we're clear... ALL of those are inside jokes. haha)

16: I have a MySpace, a Facebook, a Twitter, and a Blogspot... i am such a nerd.

17: I'm a good speler. :)

18: I plan on going into Social Sciences after high school.

19: I'm extremely jumpy. And ticklish... not good.

20: I can pop all of the joints in all of my fingers. Gross, i know. But what can ya do?

21: I hate when people say "u" for "you", or "2" for "to/too", or "4" for "for." (haha that was funny) I don't know why, but it just bugs me.

22: I really don't like dark chocolate.

23: When i breathe, it always has some kind of rhythm. Whether it's with the music i'm listening to or the kind of road i'm on... it's hard to explain. But it's weird.

24: You know that sound people make when they're trying to sound like an elephant? Not the when you like buzz your lips, but when you press them really tightly together and blow? Well... i hate that sound. So much. It actually makes my lips tingle when i hear it, and a little bit even now just thinking about it.

25: I can count infinitely in French. I can also shop, order food, ask for directions, give directions, and have a polite conversation in French. Talent!

I choose to tag the following 5 people:





--Anyone on the family blog that wants to do it.

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