Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy, Merry, Happy!

That is, "birthday", "Christmas", and "New Year!" I realize it's been a while since i've posted, and i apologize for that. I can only blog once in a while, but when i do, it's usually worth it. :)

The 21st was the greatest day of the year because--you guessed it-- i turned 17! As of now, i can (legally) go see Rated R movies and donate blood. Unfortunately, i don't care to go see any movies that are Rated R, and blood drives only come around every once in a while. So... 17 isn't that HUGE of a deal. If you're wondering, all i really did for my birthday was go to church, come home, finish reading "The Host" by Stephanie Meyer (awesome book, by the way), and go on a treasure hunt for presents. That was fun. :) I have a video of it, but i think we all are aware of how agonizing it would be to try and download it from here at my casa.

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My class ring. Thanks, Mom & Pop! ♥

As for Christmas, we were honored with the presence of Keith, Rachelle, and Molly. :) Also, i'm proud to say that i haven't lost my dog-whispering abilities. I wish i could've gotten a picture of me laying on my bed watching "Scrubs" (courtesy of Todd... thanks, broja!) with Molly... it was tute. And for New Years Eve, i chilled with my family for a little while with the traditional buffet, then i drove down to Kanab for the bi-stake New Years Eve dance. It was SO much fun! Plus, i won a root beer. haha

Alright... i am currently waiting for dinner and watching the Rose Bowl, so i'm gonna go ahead and do this super long survey that i kiped from MySpace. You don't have to read it all, if you don't want to. :)


Stayed single almost the whole year?
Not almost the whole year... i stayed single the entire year. Good for me!

Kissed someone new?
That's a negatory, captain.

Done something you've regretted?
"Never regret anything because at one point, it was exactly what you wanted." So there.

Lost someone?
Hmm, i've lost a few.

Cut class?
Nope. I'm a good girl! :)

Were involved in something you'll never forget?
I guess X-Press counts in that category.

Visited a different country?
Pshh right. I wish!

Cooked a gross meal?
Haha yeah that's for dang sure! I am terrible at cooking.

Lost something important to you?
I've lost some friends. I also lost my braces, which i guess were important, but i don't miss them. :)

Got a gift you adore?
Yes! I got my class ring for my birthday, and some freakin pink converses. Baby oh baby!

Tripped over a coffee table?
No... but i've tripped over nothing, and i've run into countless doors. You can call me Grace. haha

Dyed your hair?
Not dyed it, but i've gotten highlights a few times.

Came close to losing your life?
Not that i'm remembering... i guess if nothing comes to mind, then this would be a no?

Went to a party?
Pshh it's always a party wherever i am.

Read a great book?
Yeeeah. Actually several, thanks to Jakoe. She got me hooked on Jodi Picoult.

Saw one of your favorite bands/artists live?
Man, i wish. I've never been to a concert, and it is sad.

2008: Friends and Enemies

Did you meet any new friends this year?
I haven't really MET anyone new, but like i've become friends with people that i've known for a while. I like it a lot!

Did you hate anyone?
Nah, i don't hate anyone. There's one person that i came close with, but i got over it.

Did you grow apart from anyone?
I've grown apart from some people, and there was another instance where it was more... sudden than that.

Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships?
Not so much regrets as "what if"s and "i wonder"s.

2008: Your BIRTHDAY:

Did you have cup cakes?
Aw... no, i didn't.
I had cheesecake, though!

Did you have a party?
Nope. I just went to church, came home, finished reading "The Host," then opened presents with my mom and my Kimbly.

Did you get any presents?
I did i did! They was sweet.

2008: All about YOU

Did you change at all this year?
I'm so different, it's almost scary.

Did you get your hair cut?
Yeah, like 3 times. Most recently was on Christmas Eve.

Did you change your style?
I don't really know what my style is, so i can't say.

Were you in school?
Indeed i was. Still am, in fact.

Did you get good grades?
I can't really remember much about school before the summer... but i made it from 10th grade to 11th, so i guess i did!

Did you have a job?
Yeah, i've had a couple.

Did you drive?
Yeah! I've had my license for one year and a day.

Did you own a car?
Technically, my parents own it... but i drive it the most.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
Not yet, but Sarah is due in March! Yay!

Did you move at all?
Pshh no.

Did you go on any vacations?
I went to New Mexico and California... i think that's it.
Unless Salt Lake counts?

Would you change anything about yourself now?
I think that i would get a pedicure and a manicure, but that's probably it. I like me. :)

2008: Wrap UP:

Was 2008 a good year?
I wouldn't go so far as to say it was a bad year, but it wasn't really spectacular. A lot of garbage went down earlier in the year, but it got better towards the end.

2009 New Years​ Surve​y

Will you be looki​ng for a new job?
Shoot... i was actually supposed to call a guy back today about getting a job... whoops. Anyways, YES!

Will you be looki​ng for a new relat​ionsh​ip?​
Oh who needs boyfriends. They're dumb.

New house​?​
Likely... no.

What will you do diffe​rent in 2009?​
Rock the world, not just Kanab.

New Years​ resol​ution​?​
It's a secret, of course!

What will you not be doing​ in 2009?
​Being stupid.

Any trips​ plann​ed?​
Yeah! California trip in March for the music department, Rexburg in April for Todd & Kristen's wedding, who knows where in the summer, and possibly NC for Keith and Rachelle's wedding. It's going to be an action-packed year.

Weddi​ng plans​?​
Not for me, but for my brothers.

What'​s on your calen​dar?
​A lot of birthdays, a couple weddings, a missionary farewell... a lot of things.

What can'​t you wait for?
An awful lot of things!

What would​ you like to see happe​n diffe​rent?​
I'd like to see us take state in basketball and football... but especially football, because it will be my senior year.

What about​ yours​elf will you be chang​ing?
I'll become a senior, and will (eventually) turn 18.

What happe​ned in '08 that you didn'​t think​ would​ ever happe​n?
That i would lose some of the people closest to me in the way that i did.

Will you be nicer​ to the peopl​e you care about​?​
I haven't been mean that i'm aware of, but yeah i guess i could be nicer.

Will you dress​ diffe​rentl​y this year than you did in 08?
Why would i?

Are you going​ to be in schoo​l in 09?
Yeah! I'm going to finish my junior year, then start my senior year. Yikes!

How will you make more money​ in 09?
Get a job ASAFP (as soon as freaking possible), and possibly a couple summer jobs. And who knows, maybe i'll strike lucky in the lottery.

Will you do chari​ty work?​
Well i don't know... i'm not exactly a psychic, of course.

Did you drink​ on New Years​ Eve?
I drank my free Root Beer that i won! haha

Will you be nice to peopl​e you don'​t know?
Don't see why not. :)

Do you expec​t 2009 to be a worse​ year for you than 2008?​
I'm hoping it will be a way better year.

How much did you chang​e from this time last year til now?
So much. I'm a lot more social, i'm somewhat less shy, and i like to think i've gotten stronger.

Do you plan on havin​g a child​?​
Heck to the no.

Will you still​ be frien​ds with the same peopl​e you are frien​ds with now?
I like to think so. I'm friends with some pretty great people!

Will you be movin​g?​
Not a chance.

What will you make sure doesn​'​t happe​n in 2009 that happe​ned in 08?
There's really nothing i can promise won't happen... well, i won't make it to my Sweet 17, i suppose. haha

What were your New Years​ Eve plans​?​
Chilled at my casa for a little while, then i went to town for the bi-stake youth New Years Eve dance. It was SO much fun!

Did you have someo​ne to kiss at midni​ght?​
Nah. It was a church activity, of course! haha

Wishe​s for 2009:​
Make the most of it.

So to wrap up, i just want to say thanks to anyone and everyone who gave me something for my birthday/Christmas. I love you all! :)

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