Monday, March 23, 2009

Junior Prom of 2009

STAGE ONE: Dress Shopping
this is a special thanks to Jordi, Kristen, and especially Pico--they all went dress shopping with me while Kimberly was in the temple, and these were our results! i didn't get any of them, but i still had a lot of fun trying them on. (for the record, i wasn't honestly considering the first one. it was a joke!)
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STAGE TWO: The Day Date
our day date was SO much fun! as you can see, there were 6 couples that went. we went to Zion Nat'l Park and hiked up to the Emerald Pools. i'd have to say the most fun i had though, was definitely the ride there and back! we were just jammin' to 80's rock in Tyrell's car while the other 3 couples had their own dance party goin on in Rhees's car. (don't worry Mom, we all wore our seatbelts and we got everywhere safely.) we had a picnic on the grass at the park, which was nice because it was a BEAUTIFUL day. special thanks to Dason's mom for packing almost every fruit known to mankind! seriously, that kid pulled out a pineapple and a miniature watermelon from his lunchbox, among other things. nice work, Mrs. Dason's Mom. anyways, then we went to the IMAX theater in Springdale and watched the movie they have there about the park. it was only like 40 minutes long, and i slept the whole time. phew!
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Rhees, Dason, Craig, Chanelle, Savy, Sam, Grygla, me, Tyrell, Judd, Carley, and Risa postin' up at Zion National Park!
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Front: Chanelle, LaRisa, and Carley. Back: Sam, teeth of Savy, teeth of me. :)
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Tyrell bein' a BAMF with his hat and my shades... but what else is new?
STAGE THREE: Getting Ready

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i had SO much fun at prom! (it was on Saturday the 21st, by the way) for some reason, i didn't think it would really be that great, but in all reality... things are what you make them. i danced to every song that was played, even the ones i hate (i.e. Hannah Montana). thanks to Carley, Chelsea, Savy, Cody, Kelsi Su, Megan, Dustin, Shadoe, and anyone else that got seriously involved with our little dance-offs. i also want to give an honorable mention to Rhees and Dason. even though they didn't tell their parents that promenade was at 9 and not 10 so we had to do it twice, they made up for it by being the best dancers ever and totally made my night. haha so in the end, i'm really glad that i did prom. i'd considered not even worrying about it because it was SO stressful, but i had so much fun that all the work was definitely worth it. :) oh, and congrats to Andy-roo and Risa on Prom King and Queen. oh, and if you don't know this, we had live entertainment at our prom! the Alldredges have some family friends named Hema and Hevynn that came and sang. Hema actually wrote our prom song, and he was selling some EPs at the dance. so i bought one, then asked him to sign it for me. i was going to try and post a picture of it on here, but my camera is pitching a fit and won't connect to the computer. bummer. :( but what he wrote was "To: Jennifer You're awesome, so is your dress! Hema :)" so someday, when he is famous, i can say "dude, Hema liked my prom dress!" bahaha

so basically all i have to say is that i'm glad i had a good attitude about prom. you only get this chance once in your life, so why eff it up for some stupid high school drama, you know? all you gotta do is break it down to some Katy Perry, Kelly Clarkson, and/or Cascada, and the night is made. experience says so. :)

1 people find me hilarious:

Sarah said...

K, I am LOVING your dress! Those polka dots are just killing me! And you were right about the shoes- they are perfect. I totally spotted you right away in that group photo! Glad you had fun! :)