Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A visit to my Mantite!

that's what they call the people who live where she does. please tell me you find it hysterical, too? because goodness knows i about crapped a chicken when i first heard it. anyways, this last weekend, i had the chance to go up to Manti and spend a couple of days with my dear good bestest friend Nikiah! while i was up there, we...

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ate cotton candy...

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ate our magical movie mix...

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chugged cream soda like it came from a tap...

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slept (terrible, i know, but we were up SO late!)...

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made oyster crackers...

and had generally the best weekend i could've hoped for!

and don't worry, we did to more than just eat and sleep... those were just the only things we found interesting to take pictures of. haha anyways, we played night games, i met some new people, we talked like best friends do, we stayed up late just laughing, we did stupid things, and we attempted to video ourselves making sparks with Lifesavers. (it didn't really work, or i'd put it on here. it's just black, and all you hear is a bunch of biting sounds.) i came away sad because i had to leave, but so so SO happy that i was able to go.

lately, things have just been changing so much and all i've wanted is to get my summer back. back when it was just me, Ashley, and Nikiah being idiots and best friends at the same time. when i talked to Nikiah about this, we both had to realize that it won't happen again. but one thing she said that made me feel better was this: "you can't recreate your old memories, and you can't bring them back. but you can always, always make new memories. don't ever stop doing that." and that's exactly what we did on this weekend excursion. we made memories that i won't ever forget, because these were a few days with one of the best friends i have ever had, and she still means the world to me. lucky me. :)

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