Sunday, April 19, 2009


yeah yeah yeah... the shirts are supposed to say "ZION!" but apparently i write my "N"s retarded, so everyone was asking us what "ZIOM" is.

that, however, is not the point. this post is dedicated to... ready for it?...


oh the adventures we had... :) our day ("our" being the me, Risa, Chanelle, Carley, kind of Chelsea, Mark, and Tyrell) actually started at like 11:00 on Friday. we'd gotten home at like 10:15 from a softball game in Parowan, then i went to LaRisa's house to work on a college assignment that was due at midnight. i got it sent in at like 10:55, then i took Carley to Mark's house while Risa and Chanelle went to Tyrell's house. see, the deal with Sadie's is that you're not suppose to just ask a boy to go with you. you have to buy a piece of paper with a string on it, chase them around, and put it around their neck to "tag" them as your date. lame, i know. i tagged my date (Dason Ott) on the bus back from Parowan because i really wasn't up to chasing anyone. haha anyways, Carley and i had an especially awkward experience asking Mark (he's our English teacher's younger brother, so we showed up at his house at like 11:15 and just asked him to go to Sadie's with her because she forgot her tag.), then i took her back to Chelsea's house so she could finish the same assignment i'd just sent in. after that, i went to T-Buck's house, where Risa and Chanelle still were. they'd already snuck in through his younger sister's window, scared him crapless, then tagged him to be Chanelle's date. Chanelle, LaRisa, and i sat in his room with him and Misty (his cahooting sister) for like an hour just talking, then we finally decided at about midnight:30 that we should probably let him sleep.
when we got back to Risa's house, we made our group's shirts. due to a special request from Dason (he didn't think we'd take him seriously), they were bright, sunshine yellow. the front of all of them say "I ZION!" and as i said before, my "n"s were all retarded, so at the first glance, they all looked like they said "I ZIOM". shoot. anyways, Carley and Chelsea eventually came over (after sending in their Computer Literacy things) and we had a sleepover. when we were starting to go to sleep, LaRisa asked us what time we needed to get up to get ready, since the boys were coming over at 8:30. we thought about it and decided that instead of being ready when they came over, we'd let them be our wake up call. we were cool with that, and went to sleep.
The next morning...
we all heard the doorbell ring, but still didn't get up. a few minute later, T-Dub was quietly coming down the stairs and i could tell he had no idea what to do. wake us up and face our wrath? wait for the other guys to show up? leave? make noises until we woke up? do something very T-Dub and see if we reacted? needless to say, he chose the last option. he started doing this weird, creeper laugh, then went behind the couch and jumped up screaming. even though we all were awake and knew he was there, he still made us jump. before long, Dason, Rhees, Tyrell, Kade, and Mark had shown up and they got to see me, LaRisa, Chanelle, and Carley (Ashley didn't sleep over, she came with Kade) at our finest... not. we ended up not leaving until like 10, because all the girls had to get ready and then we made lunches. we piled into the Alldredge's 30 year old 'Burb and we were off!
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Front seat: Rhees, Tyrell, Chanelle, and LaRisa.

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Middle seat: T-Dub, Chelsea, Carley, and a very stunned-looking Mark.

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Back seat: Dason, me, Ashley, and Kade.

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Me trying (and failing miserably) to look cool in Dason's hat. haha

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We saw like 5 bighorns at once on our way in! Later, on the way home, we saw about 9 and they were right by the road. One of the cars in front of us had to hit the brakes so he wouldn't hit one that was crossing the road.

first stop: dead deer. if you've never been to Zion, you go through this mile-long tunnel and come out on an exremely steep mountain. since builders couldn't exactly build a road going almost straight down, there are a bunch of switchbacks zig-zagging down the side of the mountain so you can get down. when we got to the last of the turns, we pulled over, took a group shot, then bushwhacked it down to the bottom of the hill. what we found was some big rocks, a little frog, a cute little creek, and a dead, 70% decayed deer... yummy.

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The girls on one of the rocks by the deer.

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Me, T-Dub (who looks about ready to puke), Ashley, Kade, Carley, Rhees, Tyrell, and Dason admiring the...

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Yucky dead deer.

second stop: the Zion museum for a picnic lunch. i wish i would've taken some pictures, because there were some crazy things going on. we shared Red Vines with the general public, fed some chocolate pudding to our frog buddy, and had dogpiles on random people in our group. after we cleaned up, we hopped on a shuttle and rode to Weeping Rock. while we were on there, we entertained the other passengers by singing "The Longest Time" by Billy Joel. since 10 out of 12 people in our group are in X-Press, we had all kinds of harmonies going on and we sounded awesome.

third stop: Weeping Rock. again, if you've never been to Zion National Park, Weeping Rock is a huge sandstone rock that has water dripping from it. the water is rain/springwater that hit it thousands of years ago and seeped through and hits you right in the eyeball when you're trying to look at a bird. it's not just a little bit of water, either. in some places, it's almost like a crappy shower in a cheap notel. we took some pictures, and Rhees drank some of the dripping water, from which he later claimed he was "payin' it."

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Our "weeping" group.

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Mmm... 2,000 year old water. Delicious and nutricious!

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Sleepy on the way home.

once we got done there, we considered hiking the Court of the Patriarchs, then decided that none of us had the energy. so we drove back to Kanab (well, Tyrell drove back. me, him, and Mark were the only people who were awake the whole way back), then went to...

fourth stop: Junction for shakes. we all got shakes, then the girls sat down on the curb by the road. the boys then thought it'd be funny if they sat on the other curb, so there were 6 yellow people on each side of the road as people drove by. we also had a little war throwing rocks across the road at each other, but that ended when Risa threw a rock and it went right in front of a really nice car. well called it game at that point. it was about 5:00 by then, so we all went our seperate ways. i came home, took a shower, and got re-ready for the dance. the girls were planning on meeting at Risa's house at 8, so i was already about to leave at 7:15 when Ashley called me to say that there was a...

fifth stop: BBQ at LaRisa's house going on right then, so i headed on down. everyone in the group (minus Kade, for whatever reason) had hamburgers and all kinds of deliciousness, then at like 8:30 ish, someone hit someone else and said "YOU'RE IT!" we then proceeded to play tag spanning across like 4 blocks. we would've gone farther, but we stopped at Junction because there were people there that we wanted to talk to.
sixth stop: at 9, we finally decided we should probably go to the dance. we got there like 20 minutes late, and there were... 6 people there. not counting the DJ. you can probably guess that nothing was really happening, until Rhees had the bright idea to start a game of musical chairs. that's right, we played musical chairs in matching painfully yellow t-shirts at a high school dance. who just does that?! oh wait, i know... ZION CREW does that! bahaha

we did our best to get the dance going. all of us danced to all of the songs that came on, fast or slow. the fast ones were my favorite, because Dason is just an insane person. him and Tyrell were about to kill me with their dance moves. they played 2 slow songs in the whole first hour of the dance, and the first one was spent on our dates. the second one was much more interesting. me, Carley, T-Dub, Chelsea, Dason, and i think Tyrell all would join hands and skip in circles around other dancing couples to make them feel special. unfortunately, not enough people came by 10:30 to make the dance fun at all. by the time we left, there were still only like 15 other people there besides us. so the Zion Crew peaced out to have a dance party of our own! we piled into Chanelle's van (there were only 10 of us by now--Ashley and Kade didn't come to the dance) and drove around town, stopping at random places to jump out and dance to whatever song happened to be playing at the time. that, however, did not last long. we were so spent.
seventh and final stop: so in the end, we drove to Rhees's house and had smores in his backyard until it was time for everyone to go home. all in all, it was a pretty fun day. and by golly, i love Ziom.
P.S. the atrociously yellow shirts with the semi-gay phrase on it was actually a safety tool. none of us were willing to go anywhere alone while wearing "I ZION!" boldly stated on our front. so we did really well with the buddy system. good thinkin, Dason!

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