Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Current Heroes.

Thought of the day:

last night, X-Press had a practice with the symphony for the Christmas festival this weekend. at one point, my friends Rhees and Dason were playing with my phone (because, in their words, my phone, an EnV Touch, is "dynamic," whereas Rhees's phone, an EnV 2, is "semi-dynamic," and Dason's phone, a 5-year-old generic one, is "anti-dynamic."), and they put a silly picture of the two of them as my internal screen. the picture itself made me laugh until i was crying, because it was just the two of them on a bus trip that Rhees had sent to my phone just for this reason. in it, they're both smiling, but they ended up looking certifiably insane. once i got past the picture, i saw that they'd changed the banner to say "Happiness Is A Choice." knowing those two, i know they just put that to kind of match the picture, but it really struck a chord with me, whether they meant it to or not.

after the several unpleasant posts recently, i realized that i've been in an extremely foul mood for like the past month. and i really don't like myself that way, you know? i mean, i know the real reason behind such a mood, but that doesn't help me any. so on my drive to seminary this morning, i decided that happiness really is a choice... i just haven't been making it. and it took a silly little joke from two friends to make me realize that.

Rhees and Dason don't actually know this, but that little banner really made a difference to me. plus, that picture makes me laugh every time i open my phone. so as of this moment, this one where i am choosing to let go of the little things and just be happy, this moment where i am choosing to come out of my constant state of self-pity and join the world... this moment, these two friends are my heroes.

This isn't the crazy picture on my phone. This was actually taken right before the whole phone scene, and i think it portrays their heroic-ness very well.

thanks, boys. i owe you.

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