Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sub-4-Santa Part 3

alright soooo i mainly am just doing this post because i feel like i need to finish the series. basically, i want to just share some pictures i got from S4S shopping last week.

the trip was way fun. it was mostly Student Council members, with some other random kids thrown in just for funsies. anyways, we all went to St. George, got into teams of one boy and one girl, then we got a list of things to get for certain kids in certain families. there were needs (like clothes) and wants (like basketballs and bikes and such). i got teamed up with my good friend Dustin, and madness shortly ensued.

for some reason, i've got it in my head that Dustin's eyes look like those of a Muppet. anyone with me?

This is me with all of our loot. (:

Dang right! haha

We went to The Pizza Factory after we got done shopping... i just thought these breadsticks were neat.

This... has no explaination. Sorry.

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