Sunday, January 10, 2010


Friday morning, my friend Brianna invited me to go ice skating in St. George (weird, I know) with her and our friend Chelsea. I'd never been before, so I thought... why not! I'm not feelin like a big long post, so I'll just sum it up and post some pictures. We left at like 4 in the afternoon, went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner (we had so much fun there), then went to the Dixie Igloo. After two hours ice skating, two bruised knees, two blistered & bloody ankles, one throbbing behind, and a slightly hurt ego, I decided that ice skating is not my thing. It's actually one of my biggest phobias--walking on anything that is not stable. i.e. ice, loose rocks/dirt when I'm hiking, roller blading, etc.
The three of us at the rink. The person that took this picture is a friend of mine that was in my city at Girls State, she went to Freedom Academy, and she was the the SUU Distinguished Scholars thing a couple of months ago. I seem to run into her everywhere! Also, this was the second picture taken. The first one, I kept sliding towards Brianna without meaning to... oops.

Me in my ice skates... as soon as this picture was taken and I realized I then had to actually get on the ice, I kind of panicked. I looked at Brianna and said "Suddenly, this does not seem like such a brilliant idea..."

After we got done with ice skating, we went to Wal Mart and just played around for a little bit, then headed home. Good times.

This is Spongebob. Hello, Spongebob.

Chelsea located some footie pajamas that were only slightly too small... she's so cute in this picture. haha

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