Sunday, January 3, 2010

Oh, Sleep... how I miss you so...

I have been having some strange sleeping habits lately. I heard somewhere that how you behave in your sleep is a reflection of something that is going on in your life at that time. If that's the case, then my life has no idea where it's going. I mean, even the way I sleep is different. I have always slept on the right side of my bed, and I've always been most comfortable on my right side, facing the rest of the room. But I realized recently that I have been favoring my left side instead, facing the other side of my bed. I know this isn't very interesting to you at all, but it's strange to me that in a matter of weeks, almost everything about the way I sleep has changed from how it's been my entire life. Let me give you an example of one of these nights that happened a week or two ago.

I went to bed one night at about 10:00 wearing my Girls State pajama pants and a Quiksilver t-shirt. Once I fell asleep (on my left side), I started having crazy dreams. This is not unusual for me. I have always been known to push the limits on what the term "weird dreams" even means. But what is strange for me is to have one person in my dreams more than once. Every night for the past couple of weeks, all of my dreams have had one common factor of one person. It's really weird.

Anyways, that same night, I woke up at 1:17 am, got out of bed, and was standing in the middle of my room before I realized what was going on. I also realized that I was then wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a Kanab Volleyball t-shirt. Still, I was very conscious of what I was doing. In my head, I thought "My options are a) get a drink of water. b) go pee. c) take out my retainer because it's bothering me. d) go back to bed." I knew that all of these were productive except "d", so I went ahead and got a drink of water, then went back to bed.

At 3:04 am, that same thing happened. This time, I was wearing some Aeropostale short shorts and my Freedom Academy t-shirt. (why do I change my clothes in my sleep?!) Again, I had those options. This time though, I picked b and c. I even brushed my teeth before I went back to bed.

5:40 am, the cycle repeated, with option D being chosen this time. I was in my SUU sweats and my "I ♥ Zion" shirt. You probably don't believe me when I say that I was wearing different clothes every time I woke up, but I wish I didn't believe me. This cannot be healthy. Oh and by the way, all of the clothes that I had been wearing previously were put back in the drawers where they belonged. They weren't folded or anything, but they were back where they were supposed to be. At this point, it was almost a game with myself when I went back to bed to try and guess what I would be wearing the next time I woke up.

I did not wake up again until 9:30, but I was still dead tired for some reason. (Maybe because I wasn't really sleeping when I was asleep?) Too tired, even, to check and see what I was wearing. Shoot. When I did finally get out of bed for the last time at 10:55, I was wearing some stripey Victoria's Secret pants and my KHS StudCo shirt. Baffled? As am I.

Oh and meanwhile, the whole time I was asleep, I was having the same dream. Even when I would get up and then go back to bed, the dream would just pick up where it left off. It started out with me just driving, because I knew I didn't want to be home for some reason. I ended up driving by an old-fashioned service station in Fillmore, where I saw my friend Clay. Unfortunately, Clay had blonde hair... it was weird. Anyways, I went over to talk to him, then Rendon came out of nowhere and was like "Hey, I was just about to take Lucille to come down and see you!" (Lucille is his car.) Then Hayden and Chase and Tristan and their whole little crew started coming out of thin air basically, until it was me and this huge group of Fillmore boys. We ended up going to Clay's house to watch movies and play Wii throughout the whole night. Finally, I went home the next day, only to learn that my mom had witnessed a mafia killing, so my family had to go into Witness Protection and move to Kenai, Alaska. And we didn't get to fly there or take a U-Haul, no no. We had to drive our Subaru containing me, my parents, Kimberly, and all of our belongings that we could fit in there, all the way to Alaska. But then the road ended, so we had to hike the rest of the way to our new home with all of our stuff. I distinctly remember sitting down in a few places and just crying. It was real sad.

So the point of this post is mainly just so I can talk about it. Because it's been really strange to have the only steady routine in my life be suddenly turned upside-down. You know? And to all of my siblings, I would like to offer this as an excuse to why I'm so tired all the time: even though I do go to bed early and wake up late so you'd think I'd be getting enough sleep, I'm not even really resting when I sleep. So there.

4 people find me hilarious:

Sarah said...

Dude-- you have issues. Seriously, that's not normal!

I wonder what would've happened if you'd like, barricaded your dresser so you couldn't get your clothes out, or emptied all the drawers so there was nothing to choose from. Would you have given up on changing every couple of hours or just slept in your skivvies all night?

And how come you get to have continuous dreams even after you wake up? My weird dreams usually just end then start up with an entirely new weird dream.

So, um, I don't really know what else to say except maybe make friends with a sleep aid. You really should be staying in your bed (either side will do, in any position that's healthy), in the same clothes, all night if possible.

Good luck to you.

Jennifer said...

oh, and something i forgot to mention. when i was at your house, Sarah, i texted 4 people in my sleep. four. two of them were good friends of mine, one was this random kid from Freedom Academy, and one was actually Cha Cha. anyways, the text was this:

"I thought you were going to Cambodia with that money?"

but since my phone has a QWERTY keyboard and (obviously) my eyes were closed, it actually came out as "i thouhgt yoi were goibg to cambodia with thT mopney?" i had lots of texts in the morning, all of which contained the phrase "wtf".

Sarah said...

That's freakin' hilarious!

Jennifer said...

Crazy Jennifer update: I sleep-texted again at Honor Choir. My friend was texting me all through the night for some reason, and at one point I'd actually fallen asleep, but I felt like I needed to answer. He said "Are you still awake?" and I said "They really had me goin there for a second there."


Maybe it's a good thing there's no service where I live.