Saturday, September 4, 2010

Getting better.

I guess the combination of having my own laptop and having fast(er) internet has resulted in me wanting to blog about anything and everything. This one is just me showing off how thrifty I am. (:

This first picture is--ready?--my calendar! My RA had one like this hanging up in the hall to let everyone know about the activities going on this week. And I was very intrigued by it, so I decided to make one for myself that showed whenever I have homework due and birthdays and such. I'm pretty proud of it. (: Funny story about the September label: I didn't have any cute colored paper, so that yellow paper is actually my French syllabus that I got the first day of school. (: hehe I'm so crafty.

This next picture is of my homemade bike basket. Whenever I go somewhere, I always need the following: my keys (because my lock needs a key... life would be so much easier if it was a combination lock. haha), my phone, my T-Card (to get back into my building), money, and sometimes my camera. However, that is WAY to much to fit into my pocket, not really enough to make it worth bringing my big ol' backpack, and if I put it all in my regular shoulder bag, then the bag just hangs exactly where my knees hit when they go up and down on the pedals. So this was my solution: the bag that my top sheet for my bed came in. (: I just put the light stuff in it (I didn't want to risk putting my phone and camera in there, then having the snap come loose and have everything hit the pavement at 15 mph.) and snapped it shut around the middle of the handlebars. It actually worked really well! I looked a little stupid at Lin's when I was trying to dig a $10 bill out of a sheet bag, but whatever. It worked out alright, but I really think I would rather have an actual basket that I could just put my purse in while riding. Ah well. It's good for now. (:

What can I say? I'm a problem solver. (:

2 people find me hilarious:

Anderson Family said...
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Anderson Family said...

I am so proud of your resourcefulness--college life brings out the best in people when it comes to being short on funds! You go girl!!
