Monday, November 9, 2009

Fury and Rage!

so you may have noticed that on my sidebar thing, under favorite books and TV shows, i have like 5 Jodi Picoult books listed. this is due to the fact that she is an incredibly gifted writer with shockingly accurate metaphors and descriptions, and she has the most intense plots. however, i just want to do a little rant on the one thing i hate hate hate about Picoult books...

let's just say that yesterday, i was coming to the end of "Handle With Care", and i was thinkin "oh i know where this is going." and i did. so i was all "hurray for me, i guessed the ending and it's exactly how i wanted it to end." however, i read the great ending... but then the book wasn't over. there was a whole other chapter after that. it was after reading this chapter that i literally threw the book across the room and started to cry because i was soooo mad.

i swear, some of her books, you finish it and then you just have to ask, "what the *&%^&$ was even the point of that &$&#~* book?!?!" because you HAVE your happy ending, you HAVE what you wanted to happen, you HAVE the $8,000,000. but then the book continues after everything, and then it all goes to crap and the entire book feels like it was just a waste. i know this is silly because it's a book, and it didn't actually happen, and the actual point of a book is to occupy my time and expand my mind. but still, it makes me crazy. but do you want to know the one thing that still makes me even madder about Jodi Picoult's books?

when i went to school today, i turned in "Handle With Care"... and immediately began looking for any of her other books that i haven't read yet. i'm apparently a glutton for stupid endings.

2 people find me hilarious:

Anonymous said...

You should just read Ayn Rand's books and then you'll feel better :)

Jennifer said...

oh man... "Anthem" was the business. i loved that book.