Monday, February 14, 2011

Ten months and 25 ideas later…

Once upon a time, Rendon promised me he’d take me on a date. That was last May. We were supposed to go sometime over the summer before we both went to school and were even FARTHER apart then we already were, but that never happened. We also discussed many, many different ideas for dates, varying from minigolf to baptisms for the dead to a USU basketball game. Instead, this is what went down.

On Friday, through a series of complex vehicle changes and after a total of 5 hours of driving, Jasmine and I found our way to Chase's house. Clay, Hayden, Tristan, and Gordon were also there, so we had a little movie party and watched "Paranormal Activity 2"... it was the second time that week for me, so I was considerably less scared than everyone else. Specifically Jasmine and Gordon.

On Saturday, everyone got together (only this time with the addition of Nick and Tristan's friend Shanlee, and minus Gordon) and left for Orem! We had decided to meet up with Rendon at the mall, so we just went there to kill some time.

Rather than go into great detail (which I've been known to do) about every single thing we did that day, I'll sum it up for you as follows...

Activity: The Mall
Verdict: Fun
Short story: Before Rendon got there, we were all sitting at some tables at the end of the mall. Jasmine sat at a table closest to everyone by herself. A creepy lookin old man came out of Payless and just sat down and started talkin her ear off. She didn't look like she was in distress, so I just kind of looked at her and though "Huh. How awkward." and continued making plans for the rest of the day with everyone else. Turns out that old man was like out of his mind, which makes the whole thing WAY funnier. Later, Jasmine about flipped a nut and yelled at all of us for making her suffer through like 10 minutes of out of control random conversation with a complete stranger. We all just said "Well you looked like you were enjoying yourself."

Activity: "The Roommate"
Verdict: Actual movie: Stupid. Watching the movie: Fun.
Short story: Rendon hates scary movies. He doesn't get scared easily, so he thinks they're stupid. But the thing is, this movie wasn't even scary. It was just demented and weird and a little gross. I was covering my eyes for the only "scary" parts, but only because the chick in it is a whack job. So for the whole movie, I was curled up with my feet on the seat and usually grabbing Rendon's arm or leg whenever I got freaked out, and he would just be laughing and saying "This is so dumb." Normally that would make me mad that he was being such a poor sport, but even I have admit... the guy had a point. The movie was a joke.

Activity: State wrestling tournament
Verdict: Fun
Short story: If you don't know, Rendon wrestled all through high school, and was the state champion last year. (I don't know how he did in the past... last wrestling season was the first one I knew him for.) Anyways, it was really interesting to be watching wrestling with someone who was so into it. I've always liked watching, but I obviously don't know as much about it as he does. Every once in a while, he'd get all excited and go "Oh! There it was! That was my move! I made up that toss, and he just used it!"
Short story #2: I know, I'm cheating. Anyways, the 3A state champion for like the 145 weight class is named Tanner Sweat. But when they announced it, I heard "Taylor Sweat", which kind of sounds like "Taylor Swift." So I turned to Rendon and said "Swift?" He shook his head and said "Sweat." "Swift?" "Sweat." "Swift?" "Sweat!" "Taylor Swift?" ".......Tanner Sweat." So now that's a joke we've got goin on. It made me giggle. (:

Activity: Dinner
Verdict: Super fun!
Short story: Originally we wanted to go to Chili's for dinner, but there was 1 1/2 hours waiting time. Second choice was Applebee's, but it too had a ridiculous wait time. Fuddrucker's was right next to Applebee's, so we walked in there, then realized that literallly none of us actually wanted to eat there. So we went across the street to Golden Corral and settled on that. When I got my straw, I took off the top part of the wrapper and attempted to blow it at Rendon's face. Just my luck, the end of the straw had been clamped together along with the wrapper... dangit. Oh well, it was an interesting artifact to uncover. Hurray for that!

Activity: Wal Mart
Verdict: Always Fun
Short story: We all went to the back of the store and found the $5 bin and literally spent like 20 minutes just going through the movies. None of us had actual intentions of buying a movie, but it was fun looking to see which ones they had in there, and saying "Here, you'll love this!" while handing a Barbie movie to one of the boys. Someone tried to do that while handing Rendon "27 Dresses", but he just laughed and said "Nah, I'm good. I already have this movie on my iPod." Foiled!

Activity: Driving with Rendon (like, throughout the day)
Verdict: An adventure.
Short story: Don't take that verdict the wrong way. Rendon is a super safe driver, and extremely level-headed. At one point, some guy blatantly cut him off, and all Rendon did was wave to the guy to let him know he wasn't super pissed. It has me a little worried... there's no way a person can drive and never, EVER get mad. Someday, he's just gonna blow... Anyways, the passenger's side door on Lucille (Rendon's Toyota Celica) is broken, so I was never able to let myself out. It takes a particular combination of pushing the lock/unlock button in the right order for the door to actually open, so I just let the big guy take care of that for me. He was also faithful about opening the door for me to let me in, so points for gentlemanliness!

Overall, it was really just a super fun day. I always love spending time with my Millard boys, so it was a great day in general. I don't get to see Rendon nearly as often as I wish I did, but I guess there's really not much I can do about that. Ah well... I guess the best I can do is appreciate the times when our paths do cross. (:

Rendon and I at State Wrestling. What a duck. (:

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