Wednesday, May 4, 2011

In retrospect.

My freshman year of college has officially come to a close. I’m going to do my favorite thing and take a moment (just kidding, this will probably take like 3 hours to do) to tell you about things you probably don’t care about.

This year, I:
-Moved out on my own.
-Learned that I really, really love drinking water.
-Went the whole year without ever declaring myself a psychology major, even though I’ve known what I was going to major in since 10th grade.
-Found out what a neatfreak I am.
-Went periods of time where I ate only pizza and Easy Mac.
-Learned to love working out every day.
-Stopped working out every day because they closed the school gym.
-Went completely broke. Twice.
-“Sent off” a missionary.
-Didn’t read a single book that was unrelated to a class.
-Became so addicted to fast internet.
-Became a “professional” [unpaid] photographer.
-Lost a best friend.
-Went on my first blind date.
-Was on the radio.
-Became a True T-Bird.
-Wound up with the best roommate I could hope for.
-Made inside out Oreos.
-Met an amazing girl that I hope will be my roommate next year, because I love her so.
-Decided that I love Tosh.0.
-Got a creepy birthday present and sold it on eBay.
-Made rainbow cupcakes.
-Went on a six mile walk.
-Ate more hamburgers than anyone should ever eat in their lives.
-Became well-known to the Denny’s nightshift crew.
-Met and started dating my first boyfriend. He’s pretty cute.
-Made cotton candy with Boyfriend’s mom.
-Dyed my hair for the first time. It didn’t really last.
-Saw The Maine in concert twice.
-Became extremely close with a girl I’ve known since 9th grade, but never really spent time with, and now I can’t imagine being without.
-Stayed close with my best friends from high school.
-Went to at least five missionary farewells.
-Met some people I hope I never see again.
-Learned to appreciate “hardcore” music.
-Saw “HP 7P1” at the midnight showing with one of my best friends.
-Almost fought a girl over a sneeze.
-Went rappelling off the side of a mountain.
-Spent copious amounts of time at Walmart.
-Have grown my hair out longer than it’s been since 9th grade.
-Found out throwing up can actually be really funny. (“It’s not funny. I can’t effing breathe.”)
-Ate sushi for the first time… and really liked it.
-Got like 4 different viruses on my laptop.
-Stayed up for 45 hours straight.
-Rode my longboard most of the way across town.
-Rode on three (or four?) different motorcycles.
-Fell in love with an angel.
-Got strep throat for the first time in my life.
-Only cried three or four times.
-Met my best friend in the entire world.
-Had my life changed forever by my best friend in the entire world.
-Said goodbye to my best friend in the entire world.

This is not a wink face. This is the face I make in my mind when I have to wait and see what happens next.

1 people find me hilarious:

ashley karen said...

I love this post but it makes me sad at the same time.
-I hope that I am your roommate next year too! I love you.
-Your rainbow cupcakes were ADORABLE
-Haha i remember when you sold that necklace on was supposed to be for a date :)
-Thanks to you I also kind of "sent off" a missionary!
-Inside out oreo's are delicious and we are pretty pro at making them
-45 hours straight...I am so proud of you but no more five hour energy! it.
I hope that we can have lots more adventures to come. You are adorable and I miss you already.